袁金塔張克享chang ko hsiang2020-12-102010-2-202020-12-102009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0595603112%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115147摘要 島嶼在地理特性上本身即存在封閉性及開放性的兩個矛盾的對稱性,而台灣社會在物質及精神層面也同時存在類似的矛盾對稱性。這種對稱性令人感到困惑卻又著迷,這種對於生存環境的感受即成為筆者創作此一系列作品主要動機。在實際創作之前,筆者先行閱讀台灣這個島嶼社會,閱讀的方式包含了實際現象的觀察及神話文本閱讀。 在觀察台灣社會的重點在於尋找在這種社會氛圍下的群眾集體意識行為,本文以台灣民間信仰現象作為切入社會的角度加以分析,對台灣諸多具有「類原始性」的社會行為或意識加以討論。討論的重點在於民間信仰所反映出的台灣社會現象,其中包含了台灣宗教心靈所呈現的神聖與世俗對話關係,及原始色彩濃厚的巫醫心理治療。另外對於民間信仰所特有的符咒靈驗的功利色彩以及神奴性格,其對於群眾心理造成的影響是另一個觀察重點,並希望由其中找到造神信仰。 除了觀察資料的解讀之外,本文加入了神話文本分析。將當代社會現象與古老原始神話加以結合,作為後續實際創作的文化養分。 配合解讀現象所採用的神話主要是人類起源及洪水兩大神話系統,在人類起源系統除了人類誕生的命題之外,關於物種起源及人類變形議題也是相關的討論範圍。洪水神話則是強調物種消失及再生的圓形生命觀。藉由神話系統文本分析及台灣民間信仰現象觀察,筆者的創作過程亦分為兩個領域同時進行創作,一是採用文字寫作,創作出「島南殘篇」及「巫歌神詩」兩本神話記事及詩歌之作,分述天地創生及人類演變及天地滅絕等情節,藉以鏡射台灣這片島嶼。另一則是實際繪畫作品創作,以眾多人形流動來描繪詩歌中所述及的神話情景及背後象徵意識。以詩歌及繪畫同時創作的方式,使本次創作作品在繪畫的表現之外,同時具備史詩的神聖性及敘事詩特有的時間性美感。 關鍵字:島嶼、神話、巫信仰、萬物同源Abstract There exist two contradictory but symmetrical qualities in an Island in terms of its unique geographic character; these are the qualities of closeness and openness. The similar contradictive symmetry on the material level and the mental level of life also resides in the Taiwanese society. The symmetry is puzzling but also enchanting, and it is this perception of the society prompts me to create the series of works. Before the practical creation being engaged, I have tried to investigate the society of the Island, Taiwan, in two different ways, which are respectively the observation on the realistic phenomenon of the society and the textual reading of mythology. The key point in the first part, the observation on the Taiwanese society, stands at the seeking of the collective consciousness of the public, which is developed in the social context. I shall approach the issue by analysing the phenomenon related to the folk religion in Taiwanese society, and to scrutinize the “primitive-like” social behaviour or social consciousness. The discussion shall focus on the phenomenon arising from the folk religion, which includes the dialogic relationship between the sacred and the secular, and the psychotherapy manipulated by the witch doctors. Additionally the thesis shall examine the influence of the folk religion on the masses in terms of its characteristics of utilitarianism (which can be found in the masses’ anticipation of the effect of spells) and the servility in the deities, in expectation to explain the faith of apotheosis. Apart from the interpretation of the social phenomenon, textual analysis of mythology shall be embarked on in this thesis. The association of the social phenomenon and the ancient primitive mythology is expected to be the impulse of the following practical creation. The two main systems of mythology adopted in this thesis to construe the social phenomenon are the origin of human and the floods. In the former system, it shall look at the propositions concerning not only about the birth of human beings, but also about the speciation and the distortion of human beings. With regard to the latter, the disappearance and the regeneration of the species, in which a perspective that the life is circular is implied, shall be discussed. What going along with the observation of the realistic phenomenon of society and the textual reading of mythology is the practical creation, which proceeds in two different ways. One of those is the literary creation, which includes the following two books: Dao Nan Can Pian (a mythological chronicle), and Wu Ge Shen Shin(a work of poetry). The plots of the origination of the world, the transformation of human beings, and the extermination of the world are involved in these works to reflect the phenomenon of the Taiwanese society. The other manner of creation is the pieces of painting, which are revealed in the mode of floating of numerous human-like objects to embody the mythological scene described in the poetry and its ideology. The parallel proceeding of creation makes the work be displayed beyond the fashion of image, and endows it with the possibility to show the sacredness which dwells in the historical poetry, and the unique aesthetic of narrative poetry. Key words: island, mythology, the faith of witch, homology島嶼神話巫信仰萬物同源islandmythologythe faith of witch島嶼神話─張克享創作論述Island Mythology - Description of Chang Ko Hsiang’s Art Creation