陳浩然Chen, Hao-Jan紀姵吟Chi, Pei-Yin2019-09-032020-08-282019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0501211119%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97337本研究的目的是藉由實際測量學生的單字學習的進步成果來探討線上反饋系統對於第二語言學習者的學習成效。實驗結束後所進行的問卷調查與訪談結果也會納入實驗結果的討論,以更深入了解學習者的想法。 研究對象為台灣某國中兩個班級共五十四位八年級的學生。其中的二十七位學生組成控制組,上課中藉由PowerPoint來做單字的練習並用口頭回答;另外的二十七位學生組成實驗組,上課中藉由線上反饋系統---Nearpod來做單字的練習並被要求使用Nearpod反饋系統來回傳答案給老師。在實驗開始前,兩組學生都先接受單字翻譯的前測,以了解學生的先備知識。接著,在兩次的課堂中,實驗組和控制組的學生都閱讀相同的閱讀素材並做相同的單字填空練習。實驗組的學生需使用Nearpod傳送答案給老師而控制組的學生是看完PowerPoint簡報軟體的題目後用口頭回答老師。兩組的學生皆在課堂練習後接受單字翻譯和拼字的立即後測,以了解學生的立即成效。在課程結束的一週後,進行單字翻譯和拼字的延宕後測來了解兩組學生的單字學習效果的持久性。實驗組的學生在延宕後測後施以問卷調查並進行訪談,以了解學生在課堂中使用Nearpod學習單字的感受與想法。 研究結果顯示,實驗組和控制組的學生在單字翻譯方面皆有顯著的進步。然而,不論是在立即後測或延宕後測中,實驗組學生的進步分數皆高於控制組學生的進步分數且達到統計上顯著水準。不論是在高成就群或低成就群,亦是實驗組顯著高於控制組。更進一步說明,實驗組的低成就學習者的進步分數相當於控制組的低成就學習者的兩倍之多。但是在拼字能力方面,兩組學生在立即後測與延宕後測中並無顯著差異。實驗組的學生在問卷與訪談中對於在課堂中使用Nearpod教學大部分抱持正面的態度,他們認為Nearpod可以提升他們的學習動機和課堂參與度,並提供來自教師的立即回饋,這對於他們的學習有很大的幫助。學生的回饋中也指出使用Nearpod的缺點以及對線上反饋系統的建議皆在研究中討論。The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of utilizing mobile IRS in an EFL classroom situation by examining the actual learning gains empirically and analyzing the questionnaire and the semi-structured oral interview with the learners to better understand the learners’ perceptions toward the use of mobile IRS in class. The participants consisted of 54 eighth graders in a junior high school in Taiwan. Twenty-seven of them were recruited to form the non-Nearpod-supported group and were asked to practice the target words through PowerPoint slides and answer the questions orally. The other twenty-seven participants were recruited to form the Nearpod-supported group and were asked to answer the questions by transmitting the answers to the instructor through the mobile IRS application, Nearpod. The participants in both groups all took a vocabulary translation pretest first. During the two-period session, all the participants read the same reading materials and were required to respond to the same sets of fill-in-the-blank target word practice. Afterwards, the participants in both groups took immediate vocabulary translation posttests and vocabulary spelling posttests to find out how much they progressed on the knowledge of the target words. One week later, delayed posttests of vocabulary translation and vocabulary spelling were conducted to examine vocabulary retention. Afterwards, a questionnaire and a semi-structured oral interview with the learners were conducted to better understand the learners’ perceptions toward the use of mobile IRS in class. The results indicated that the participants in Nearpod-supported group and non-Nearpod-supported group made significant progress in the vocabulary translation test after the vocabulary practice. Further, the participants of Nearpod-supported group significantly outperformed those of non-Nearpod-supported group in terms of the mean gain scores of the vocabulary translation immediate posttest and the delayed posttest. More specifically, the low achievers in the Nearpod-supported group made gains in scores twice as high as the low achievers in the non-Nearpod-supported group. However, no significant differences were found in the scores of vocabulary spelling tests between the two groups. Further, the participants of the Nearpod-supported group showed favorable attitudes toward the implementation of mobile IRS in the classroom. The use of mobile IRS could enhance their motivation and participation in class, and it provided immediate feedback from the instructor, which was helpful for their learning. The participants also identified several disadvantages of utilizing mobile IRS in class and provided suggestions for improving the system.第二語言學習者單字學習行動學習課堂互動反饋系統EFL learnersvocabulary learningmobile learninginteractive response system線上反饋系統對於台灣中學生單字學習的影響A Study on the Effects of Implementing Mobile Interactive Response System (IRS) on Taiwanese 8th Graders’Vocabulary Learning