謝伸裕Shen Yu Hsieh陳姿汶Tzu Wen Chen2019-09-052009-8-212019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696300173%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105737目的:探討一般沒有接受運動訓練的個體,所擁有ACTN3基因型RR、RX、XX;ACE基因型II、ID、DD;與PPARD 基因型TT、TC、CC,在運動能力測驗上之差異。方法:找尋411名16-18歲坐式生活沒有運動習慣的健康男性(241人)及女性(170人),測量受試者的身高、體重、BMI及體脂肪量,並接受運動測試項目為:60 m衝刺跑、立定跳遠、30秒伏地挺身、60秒伏地挺身、30秒仰臥起坐、60秒仰臥起坐、握力、25 m游泳及心肺耐力測驗(男生1600 m跑走、女生800 m跑走);收集口腔黏膜細胞,以聚合酶鏈鎖反應-限制酶片段長度多形性(PCR-RFLP)進行基因型分析,測驗所得資料進行單因子變異數及皮爾森積差相關統計分析。結果:ACTN3基因中,在女生30秒仰臥起坐測驗,RR型(19.29 ± 4.49次)表現次數多於RX型(16.88 ± 4.13次)(p< .05);女生60秒仰臥起坐測驗,RR型(35.42 ± 8.71次)表現次數多於RX型(29.91 ± 8.24次)(p< .05)。ACE基因中,女生握力成績,DD型(27.23 ± 4.39 kg)比ID型(23.58 ± 4.20 kg)(p< .05)有較好的肌力表現。結論:從運動表現來看,女生擁有ACTN3 RR及ACE DD基因型者會有較佳的肌力和肌耐力表現。Purpose: To examine the role of ACTN3, ACE and PPARD polymorphism on physical fitness performance in untrained person. Also, to assess the differences in effect of the polymorphism on phenotype associated with different physical performance. Methods: All 411 subjects were of native Taiwan students and aged from 16-18 years old (241 males and 170 females). Height, weight, BMI and body fat were measured. Physical fitness performance were measured in 40m sprint, 30 sec push-up, 60 sec push-up, 30 sec sit-ups, 60 sec sit-ups, handgrip strength, 25m swim, and 1600m run for males, 800m run for females. The genotype of ACTN3, ACE, and PPARD genes were determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). One-way ANOVA and Pearson’s product-moment correlation were used for statistical analysis. Results: In ACTN3, the female 30 sec sit-ups performance, RR genotype (19.29 ± 4.49 times) is greater than RX genotype (16.88 ± 4.13 times) (p< .05). In 60 sec sit-ups performance, RR genotype (35.42 ± 8.71 times) is also greater than RX genotype (29.91 ± 8.24 times) (p < .05). In ACE, the female handgrip strength performance, DD genotype (27.23± 4.39 kg) is greater than ID genotype (23.58 ± 4.20 kg) (p < .05). Conclusion: The subjects with ACTN3 RR and ACE DD genotype had better performance in 30 sec sit-ups, 60 sec sit-ups, and handgrip strength.α-actinin-3Ang IIPPAR δ體適能基因多型性α-actinin-3Ang IIPPAR δphysical fitnessgene polymorphism基因ACTN3、ACE與PPARD的多形性與運動表現的關聯性The associations of ACTN3, ACE, and PPARD polymorphisms with physical fitness performance.