葉欣誠吳季穎WU, CHI-YING2019-09-052018-07-302019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060046004S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103624由於都市高度發展、土地開發強度不斷提高、生活型態轉變,整體社會的風險也不斷向上攀升,自然環境以及社經脆弱度增加,災害所帶來的衝擊可能較往昔更為巨大。我國遭遇多次重大災害侵襲,造成人命財產嚴重損失,每次的災害侵襲,都一再的考驗著政府的危機處理能力。在各層級災害防救工作的任務中,地方政府包含直轄市、縣市政府與鄉鎮市區公所,為推動災害防救工作的第一線,有必要強化其施政能量,統合地區災害防救資源與具效率的指揮調度災害應變作為。 然而歷史災害中造成的人命傷亡及財產損失,暴露了我國災害防救工作的問題。2009年莫拉克風災後許多學者提出我國災害防救之問題,其中與地方政府災害防救業務人員相關的問題,歸納相關研究後發現,災害防救業務的推動與執行,業務相關人員的知識、技能及態度是關鍵因素之一。然而我國災害防救業務承辦人員存在缺乏專業訓練以及防災業務承辦人員流動性過大等特性,故災害防救工作的業務承辦單位主管扮演極為重要的角色。本研究之研究對象為我國災害防救體制中的第二層級與第三層級,以縣市及鄉(鎮、市、區)災害防救業務主管及防救災體系決策指揮人員為研究對象,以建立核心能力指標。 本研究以專家學者訪談、文獻內容分析及德菲法建構「我國地方政府災害防救業務主管核心能力指標」。透過訪問災害防救相關專家學者,發展本研究核心能力指標基礎構面及內涵,加以蒐集分析國際災害管理人員教育現況、我國災害防救人員教育訓練類別與需求,建立本研究核心能力指標初稿,最終藉由專家學者對指標的回饋與意見修正,提升本研究核心能力指標之信效度,建立48項核心能力指標,期能作為日後災害防救業務主管教育訓練之參考。Because of several reasons--the rapid urbanization, the enhanced development of the land, the change of the resident’s lifestyle, the continually increased social risks, and the increased environmental and social vulnerabilities--the impacts of disasters on Taiwan could be greater than before. Taiwan has encountered several dreadful disasters which caused serious property loss, and personal injury or death. Each disaster is considered an examination on the government’s ability of handling crisis. In order to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the three-level task of emergency management, local governments (special municipality governments, city and county governments and township offices) are necessary to improve their capability for managing local resources, and for conducting disaster emergency operations. However, in the past decades, the occurred disasters have posed the problems of emergency management task in Taiwan. The problem of Taiwan’s emergency management was raised by scholars after typhoon Morakot (2009). According to the scholars, the knowledge, skill, and attitude of local emergency managers are the key factors that influence the effectiveness of governmental emergency management. However, the lack of officers' professional training and the high turnover rate of officers are the two main defects in Taiwan's emergency management, so the emergency managers play crucial roles in the emergency management. The purpose of this research is to develop core competency indicators by focusing on city and county governments and township offices, which are the second and third level of emergency management system. The subject of this study is the executives of emergency management. Literature analysis and interview with scholars are to develop the initial sketch of core capability indicators, and then Delphi method is applied to construct the core capability indicators. A questionnaire is designed for the purpose of evaluating the importance of each core capability indicator. The core capability indicators are carefully revised and edited with the nineteen Delphi panels afterwords. 48 core capability indicators are established by this study, which could be served as training materials and references to the future emergency managers.地方政府災害防救業務主管核心能力指標Local GovernmentEmergency ManagerCore Capability Indicator我國地方政府災害防救業務主管核心能力指標建構之探討The Study on Development of Core Capability Indicators to Emergency Managers in Local Governments in Taiwan