葉耀明林傳枝2019-08-292003-6-302019-08-292003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000251%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93121由於資訊科技的快速發展以及網際網路的普及,各種格式的數位化資訊得以用迅速且便利的方式透過全球資訊網傳播至世界各地,具有跨平台特性的WWW已成為人類有史以來最大的知識體。伴隨而來的網路教學及電子化學習(E-Learning)開始成為各界矚目的議題,並帶動學習科技重要的變革。為了降低開發網路化學習教材所需的成本並實現知識共享與教材重用,由美國國防部主導的「先進分散學習計畫」(ADL)在參照許多機關所制訂的規格後,並遵循W3C的XML語言規範提出「共享教材元件參考模式」(SCORM)已成為當今為數位學習最重要的共同標準。 本論文中將全球資訊網視為主要取材來源,進而提出個別化網路書籍模式理論,並實作出符合SCORM規範的系統,提供教材編寫者與使用者方便的編輯與操作環境。基於SCORM教材元件化概念,將網路書籍定義為網頁元件的組合,透過Manifest的彈性架構,映射為網路書籍的邏輯架構,並將系統實際上線供讀者瀏覽,以達隨取書籍的目標。就教材編輯者(即本論文中的書籍作者)的觀點我們將書籍編輯程序分成三部分,分別是資料收集、書本編輯以及書本上線,而為了使網路書籍符合SCORM規範,我們將書本編輯細分為教材元件編製及課件打包等兩個部分,並個別提供書頁下載與書籍編輯工具。本論文提出之網路書籍模式提供使用者即時瀏覽、避免瀏覽迷失以及整合全球資訊網的資源檔案之特性,而進一步透過SCORM規範的引入,實現了網路書籍教材重用和共享的可能。網路書籍模式改良傳統紙本書籍的概念使閱讀活動更加豐富生動,有助於幫助讀者養成良好的閱讀習慣進而提升學習意願。Recent years, the information technology, Internet, and WWW grow so fast that knowledge from different domains represented in various digital formats has been spread around the world with a more convenient and faster way. The combination of the WWW and database technique has made the Internet the largest knowledge repository in human history, Web Based Instruction (WBI) and E-Learning become popular issues, and discussed by people from different domains. In order to decrease the cost of developing web-based learning contents and realize knowledge sharing and content reusing, the Advanced Distribute Learning(ADL) project led by the Department of Defense of USA government announced the Shareable Content Object Reference Model(SCORMTM) specification, which is now turning into the most important learning standard. In this thesis we propose Web Book Model and related theories. The main ideas of this model are: 1.Knowledge form WWW is thought to be the major content source; 2.Using traditional book structure as logical structure of the pages; and 3.Logical structure is independent of the physical structure of web resources. Concept of books is redefined as composition of learning objects and the logical structure of web books is represented by manifest file provided by SCORMTM CAM specification. The Web Book Model provides readers a real-time browsing environment, a more effective integration of web resources and can avoid the disorientation or cognitive overload caused by traditional web browsing behavior. It refines book concepts and enriches learning activities by using web technologies, and the SCORMTM standard makes it possible and easier to share and reuse the content objects collected in web books. This model is positive for helping learners to form a better habit of reading and increase the interests of active learning.全球資訊網數位學習網路書籍邏輯式網頁SCORMWWWE-LearningWeb BookLogical Web PagesSCORM基於共享教材元件參考模式之網路書籍模式研究Research on SCORM-Based Web Book Model