劉立行林淑欣2019-09-042008-1-92019-09-042008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094723101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99597蘋果日報自在台發行之後,其圖像化的呈現方式,不僅衝擊本土報紙,更影響大眾的觀看方式。因此,本研究主要是針對蘋果日報的圖像化議題進行研究,並以頭版照片作為分析的文本,進一步分析歸納蘋果日報頭版照片所組成的符號元素,且探討其符號呈現的風格與意義以及影響。 本研究的研究範圍是從蘋果日報創刊日2003年5月起至2007年5月。研究樣本是利用系統抽樣方式取得。研究方法首先是以內容分析法對研究樣本的內容進行分析解構,並藉由類目的建構來分析歸納照片所慣有的特質。再者,依據內容分析結果,挑選具代表性樣本進行符號分析。 經由內容分析,本研究歸納蘋果日報頭版照片慣有的六項符號元素為:「拼貼組合」、「人物百態」、「苦多於樂」、「死亡與驚懼」、「血腥與暴力」、「旗幟或標誌」。而針對此六元素進行符號分析後,發現蘋果日報使用照片顯現意義的模式可歸納為三個步驟:「刺激」、「建構事件原形」、「讓觀者成參與者」。綜觀蘋果日報頭版照片的呈現,含括有六元素和三步驟以及此兩者交互作用下的結果,成功融合形塑出蘋果日報頭版照片的風格與意義。 而在探討蘋果日報頭版照片呈現的風格與意義過程中,本研究也發現在蘋果日報呈現照片的模式底下,照片正面臨被簡單化、被工具化、以及欠缺時代意義的困境。長此以往,照片將不再是文化資產的一部分。Since Apple Daily published in Taiwan, the editors of Apple Daily have used a lot of photos on the front page to attract the readers. It not only impacts on the local publishers but also changes the ways of seeing. This research is based on the photos that Apple Daily used to be the front page news, to find out what the messages Apple Daily passed to the readers are. Moreover, sign elements of the photos are discussed to uncover the style and the meaning that Apple Daily has been trying to convey. The sample of this research is from system sampling from May 2003 to May 2007. The study approaches content analysis and semiotic analysis. Firstly, the contents of the sample are analyzed to find out the messages of the Apple Daily's front page photos. The sign elements of the photos are collected through constructing a category. Then, with the result from content analysis, some samples are selected for semiotic analysis. To sum up, there are six main sign elements of the front page photos that Apple Daily used. They are "the combination of collage," "people," "agonizing," "death& dread," "bloodiness & violence," and "symbol." Three steps Apple Daily makes to the readers are also found. They are "excitement," "reconstruct the incident," "involving readers to become participants." After making a comprehensive survey of Apple Daily presenting photos, this paper points out six sign elements and three steps.內容分析符號分析照片蘋果日報Content AnalysisSymbolic AnalysisPhotoApple Daily蘋果日報頭版照片呈現之風格與意義研究An analysis on the front page photos on the daily newspaper "Apple Daily"-- uncovering their style and deeper meaning