林家興Lin, Chia-Hsin毛咪Mao, Mi2019-08-282017-01-172019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060201072E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90568本研究旨在探討大專校院專任心理師的情緒勞務、諮商自我效能與工作倦怠間的關係,並進一步檢證諮商自我效能在情緒勞務和工作倦怠間的中介效果,亦就輔導年資、工作時數及分配等實務背景變項對情緒勞務、諮商自我效能與工作倦怠的關係進行探究。本研究採用問卷調查法,研究工具包括「輔導老師情緒勞務量表」、「諮商自我效能量表」及「工作倦怠量表」,研究對象為104學年度在各公私立大專校院諮商中心、學生輔導中心等處任職的專任諮商心理師,共發出436問卷,回收有效問卷188份。本研究以皮爾遜相關考驗各變項間的相關,用階層迴歸分析檢驗情緒勞務、諮商自我效能對工作倦怠的預測力及諮商自我效能的中介作用。結果發現:(1)大專校院專任心理師有中上程度的諮商自我效能、較弱的工作倦怠和中等偏高的情緒勞務,且更多地使用深層情緒行動策略。(2)大專校院專任心理師的輔導年資與諮商自我效能顯著正相關,與工作倦怠顯著負相關。(3)大專校院專任心理師每週的工作時數與情緒勞務正相關;行政工作時數與情緒勞務正相關,與工作倦怠正相關;實務工作時數與諮商自我效能正相關,與工作倦怠負相關。(4)情緒勞務與工作倦怠顯著正相關,其中情緒表層行動策略與工作倦怠呈正相關,情緒深層行動策略與工作倦怠呈負相關。(5)諮商自我效能與工作倦怠顯著負相關。(6)情緒勞務與諮商自我效能顯著正相關,其中情緒表層行動策略與諮商自我效能呈負相關,情緒深層行動策略與諮商自我效能呈正相關。(7)情緒深層行動對工作倦怠的預測力會因諮商自我效能的加入而消失(β=.046,p > .05),意即諮商自我效能在情緒深層行動與工作倦怠間發揮完全的中介作用。本研究結果不僅驗證了不同情緒調節策略對工作倦怠的影響,還探索出情緒深層行動策略在降低工作倦怠風險時發揮積極作用的路徑,研究者據此提出後續研究及實務的建議。This study aimed to understand the relationship among emotional labor, counseling self-efficacy and burnout of full-time counselors in university, also to further verify the mediating effect of self-efficacy in the relationship between emotional labor and burnout. Additionally, the researchers explored the relationship between background items, emotional labor, counseling self-efficacy and burnout. Background items include years of work, hours of work and the distribution of work. This study utilized questionnaire method and the study tool including School Counselor’s Emotional Labor Inventory, Counseling Self-efficacy Inventory and Burnout Inventory. The object of this study was full-time counselor who is working at school counseling center from different universities. We sent out 436 questionnaires and received 188 valid questionnaires. The study firstly used the Pearson’s correlation coefficient to assess the relationships among different items, and then used Hierarchical regression analysis to verify the predictive power of emotional labor and counseling self-efficacy on burnout and the mediating effect of self-efficacy. This study found that: (1) full-time counselors in university have above-average counseling self-efficacy, slight burnout and medium to high levels of emotional labor, and they perform deep acting more often. (2) The number of years that full-time counselors work in university has positive correlation with counseling self-efficacy and significant negative correlation with burnout. (3) The number of hours per week that full-time counselors work has positive correlation with emotional labor. Specifically, the administrative working hours have positive correlation with emotional labor and burnout; the counseling hours have positive correlation with counseling self-efficacy and negative correlation with burnout. (4) Emotional labor has significant positive correlation to burnout. Furthermore, surface acting is related to burnout positively and deep acting negatively. (5) Counseling self-efficacy has significant negative correlation with burnout. (6) Emotional labor is significantly and positively related to counseling self-efficacy. This means that surface acting is related to counseling self-efficacy negatively and deep acting is related to counseling self-efficacy positively. (7) The predictive power of deep acting on burnout disappear when counseling self-efficacy is joined (β=.046, p > .05), which means that counseling self-efficacy completely mediates the associations of deep acting and burnout. Above all, this study not only testified the effects of different emotional regulation strategies on burnout, but also explored how deep acting positively reduces the risk of burnout. At the end, the researcher offered several suggestions on follow-up study and practice.大專校院專任心理師情緒勞務諮商自我效能工作倦怠School counselorEmotional LaborCounseling Self-efficacyBurnout大專校院專任心理師情緒勞務、諮商自我效能與工作倦怠之關係研究The Relationship among Emotional Labor, Counseling Self-efficacy and Burnout of Full-time Counselors in the University