劉美慧Mei-Hui Liu陳薇亘Wei-Hsuan Chen2019-08-282018-2-62019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698000260%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90221本研究旨在探討國民小學社會學習領域教科書中多元文化概念與取向之內容分析,以九十八學年度通過教育部審定之社會學習領域教科書為研究對象,選定市占率較高之翰林審定本,冊數為一至八冊,共計八冊。首先,在量化分析方面,以研究者參考國內外文獻後制定之「多元文化主題面向類目分析表」與「多元文化概念類目分析表」作為分析依據,主題面向分為族群、階級、性別、宗教、鄉土、語言、多面向及其他等八個主類目;概念分為瞭解自我、我與他者及人我權力關係等三個主類目,目的在瞭解多元文化概念的呈現情形。接著,在質性探討方面,採用Kincheloe& Steinberg (1997)二位學者提出多元文化主義五大取向,包含:保守論、自由主義論、多元論、左派本質論與批判論,作為檢視依據,目的在瞭解教科書內容編輯反應何種多元文化主義取向。 最後,依據研究結果,本研究提出建議,以供未來教材編輯、教師教學及後續研究之參考。This research is dedicated to the content analysis of multiculure concepts and conceptions of multiculturalism in elementary school social study textbooks. While targeting the reference books validated by the ministry of education on social studies field in the 98 semester, the main choice would be Han-Lin version with a total of 8 sets from set 1 to 8, due to its’ dominance in market share. Initially, for quantitative analysis; according to studies conducted by the author, “Analysis List of Multiculure Topic Items” and “Analysis List of Multiculure Concepts Items” is formulated afterwards as a foundation, building on the basis of domestic and foreign documents. The aspects of this topic separates into 8 categories, namely: race, class, gender, religion, homeland, language, many orientations and others; and concept is separated into three main themes: “Understanding of Self”, “Others and I”, “Power in Human Relations”, all in which focus on the way concepts in multi-culture is presented. In addition, for qualitative research, the five distinct conceptions of multiculturalism brought by Kincheloe& Steinberg (1997) is utilized, including: Conservative multiculturalism, Liberal multiculturalism, Pluralist multiculturalism, Left-essentialist multiculturalism, Critical multiculturalism, all of which are for inspection purposes in aim for the understanding of textbook content editing’s response to which kind of multicultural orientation. Lastly, according to the emphasized results, this research provides suggestions for future educational material edit and also serves as a references forteaching and further studies.國民小學社會學習領域教科書多元文化多元文化主義內容分析Elementary schoolSocial-study textbookMulticulturalMulticulturalismContent analysis國民小學社會學習領域教科書多元文化概念與取向之內容分析Content Analysis of Multiculure Concepts and Conceptions ofMulticulturalism in Elementary School Social Study Textbooks