國立臺灣師範大學教育學系王麗雲游錦雲2014-12-022014-12-022005-12-011028-8708http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39038根據國外夏季失落(summer loss)相關研究的結果顯示,不同社經背景學童暑期學習進展有所不同,低社經學童的進展速度低於高社經學童,而在學期中,不同社經背景學童的進展速度則無太大的差異,因而暑假期間學習進展的差異,似乎是造成高低社經背景學童學習成就差異的重要因素。文化資本與社會資本在國內外常被視為解釋不同社經背景學童學習成就差異的因素,本研究檢視家庭社經背景、暑期家庭文化資本與社會資本對學童暑期學習成就進展的影響。研究結果發現不同社經背景學童的暑期文化資本與社會資本確有不同,且暑期社經背景與文化資本亦能說明社經背景對暑期學習進展差異的影響,不過在整體的結構方程式模型中,只有文化資本對暑期學習進展有部分影響,社會資本對學習進展的影響則不顯著。文中並討論研究發現及啟示,以提供未來研究建議。Researchers with functionalist and conflict perspectives have very different views about the role of public schools in enhancing equality of educational opportunities. Alexander, Entwisle and Olson’s longitudinal study on Baltimore children provided alternative point of view for understanding public education and equality issues. They found that test scores of children declined after summer vacations (summer loss), and the variation observed was highly related to children’s socioeconomic status (SES) and background factors. This study implied that the seemingly low effects of schooling were due to some other factors (e.g., SES), and the achievement gaps were mainly enlarged during summer breaks. This study examined the summer activities and achievement progress of elementary school children in Taiwan during summer. Academic progress of children with different SES backgrounds and summer experiences were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that students of different backgrounds differ in their summer cultural and social capital. The impact of SES on progress in the summer can be explained by summer cultural capital, but not social capital. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed. Suggestions for future research are provided.夏季失落教育機會均等暑期經驗summer lossequality of educational opportunitiessummer experiences學童社經背景與暑期經驗對暑期學習成就進展影響之研究The Influence of Children's Socioeconomic Status and Summer Experiences on Their Achievement Progress in the Summer