柳品伃陳偉仁Ping-Yu Liu, Wei-Ren Chen2022-05-162022-05-162020-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116046巡迴輔導是資優教育服務的型態之一,本質性研究採深度訪談及資料蒐集與分析,以三位教師的觀感與實踐經驗,探究國小資優巡迴輔導班在行政領導、教學執行、環境支援層面的實施與交互情形,其呈現出的運作現況分別:「有做就好,維持相安無事的平衡」、「朝向個案本位服務,尋求供需進退的定位」、「盡力而為,關注主軸課程的經營」,文末進行討論與建議。Itinerant service is one kind of gifted education programming. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the management of gifted itinerant classes in the elementary schools and look at the teacher-student interaction through three dimensions:executive leadership, teaching implementation, and environment support. Three current management strategies of the gifted itinerant classes that differed from the other classes were found: "maintain a balance", "position yourself appropriately to encouragestudents", and "focus on the priorities of the lesson". Suggestions for further research were also provided.資優教育服務巡迴輔導教師觀點gifted education serviceitinerant classteacher's perspective國小資優巡迴輔導班的運作:教師觀點的探究Exploring the Classroom Management of Itinerant Services for Gifted Students in Elementary Schools from Teachers' Perspectives