王國川陳瓊花林維佳Wei-Chia Lin2020-12-102003-07-012020-12-102002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%2290NTNU0233020%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114184本研究旨在於藝術與人文學習領域發展具體實作評量策略、評分系統,並探究學習者在實作評量之結果表現。研究者採協同行動研究方式與一位教學者進行協同合作,由兩人共同編擬主題式課程、研究者自編評量計劃,以立意選取方式選取教學者所任教的台北縣育林國小五年級某班,實施自編「愛心樹」實作評量計劃,歷時八週,共21節課。該班男生20人,女生16人,共計36人。 「愛心樹」實作評量計劃發展出四個課程單元、十個實作評量活動。分析評量策略,其中評量活動一、三、五、七為結構性的紙筆或非紙筆評量,評量活動二、四為示範評量,評量活動六-1、六-2、六-3為長期計劃評量,評量活動八為模擬情境評量。學習者之實作表現結果以研究者自編的評分系統進行評分,此十個評分系統可歸納為四種評分類型:評量活動一、四、七為分析型評分系統,評量活動三、八為整體型評分系統,評量活動二為標準化評分,評量活動六-1、六-2、六-3為分析型兼採整體型評分系統。 學習者之實作結果呈現六種實作表現類型: 第一類型:整體能力表現優異型 第二類型:藝術創造與作品製作表現優異型 第三類型:擅長圖文安排與裝訂操作型 第四類型:擅長發想劇情、詮釋主題型 第五類型:創造性寫作表現優異型 第六類型:能力尚待啟發型 最後研究者將研究結果進行歸納、提出結論,並對實作評量的實施、未來藝術與人文領域實作評量相關研究提出建議。 關鍵詞:評量、實作評量、藝術學習評量、評量策略、藝術與人文學習領域。The study aims to explore specific performance assessment strategies and scoring rubrics and to investigate the students outcomes in performance assessment in Arts and Humanities Area. Through the collaboration action research method, the researcher collaborated and cooperated with an elementary school teacher to explore an issued-curriculum project, and the scoring rubrics was compiled by the researcher individually. A fifith-grade class consisted of 20 boys and 16 girls was selected through purposive sampling and was implemented 8-week, 21-class issued-curriculum project, The Giving Tree. The Giving Tree performance assessment project included 4 units and 10 performance assessment activities. Analyzing the assessment activities and found that there were 4 types of performance assessment: 1.Structured paper-and-pencil assessment. Assessment activity 1, 3 ,5 and 7 were included. 2. Demonstration. Assessment activity 2 and 4 were included. 3.Longer-term project. Assessment activity 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 were included.. 4.Simulations and contrived situations. Assessment activity 8 was included. Through the scoring rubrics conducted by the researcher, the students’ performance assessment outcomes were scored. The 10 scoring rubrics can be classified into four types: 1. Analytic scoring rubrics. Assessment activity 1, 4 and 7 were included. 2. Holistic scoring rubrics. Assessment activity 3 and 8 were included. 3. Standardized test scoring rubrics. Assessment activity 2 was included. 4. Both analytic scoring rubrics and holistic scoring rubrics. Assessment activity 6-1,6-2 and 6-2 were included. The results of performance assessment suggestted that students’ performance can be classified into six types: 1. Excellence in holistic ability. 2. Excellence in art creation and composition making. 3. Good at pictures and words arrangement and bookbinding. 4. Good at plot imagination and issue interpretation. 5. Excellence in creative writing. 6. Naive ability. At Last, the researcher proposed the conclusion and suggestions for performance assessment application and performance assessment research in Arts and Humanities Area. Keywords: assessment, performance assessment, art assessment, assessment strategy, art arts and humanities area.評量實作評量藝術學習評量評量策略藝術與人文學習領域assessmentperformance assessmentart assessmentassessment strategyArts and Humanities Area實作評量在藝術與人文學習領域之運用研究The Study of the Application of Performance Assessment in Arts and Humanities Area: A Case of Issued-Curriculum Project in An Elementary School.