徐昊杲王如哲伍嘉崎2019-09-042008-7-162019-09-042008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693700243%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98983本研究旨在以臺北市私立高職教師為對象,探討各校受少子化現象的來臨,對臺北市私立高職所造成的影響,並瞭解教師所提出之學校因應對策,進一步分析不同背景的臺北市私立高職教師在因應少子化意見的差異情形。為達研究目的,首先經由文獻探討所得之理論架構發展調查問卷,針對臺北市地區之十所私立高職學校,828位教師進行普查,受調查之有效樣本共計403位教師,有效問卷回收率為48.7%,並輔以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等方法進行資料處理與分析,所獲致結論如下。 一、少子化將對臺北市私立高職學校的「招生」、「部分類科」、「閒置資源運用」以及「學校未來經營型態」帶來很大的影響。 二、臺北市私立高職學校目前尚未有明顯「閒置教室與設備」產生的情況。 三、臺北市私立高職教師在因應少子化對策的意見中,認為迫切重要之作法共有六項。其中「招生」佔兩項;「類科調整」佔兩項;「閒置資源運用」佔一項;「學校轉型」佔一項。 四、部分不同背景因素之臺北市私立高職教師,在因應少子化的意見上有顯著差異。 本研究另針對教育主管機關、學校單位提出八點建議,供相關人士參考,並針對研究對象、內容、方法、問卷回收及工具等方面歸納出五建議,以供後續研究參考。The insufficient enrollment in Private Schools in Taiwan has been aggravated by the evolving phenomena of the economic recession, the high unemployment rate and the low birth rate. To address the impact of the diminished enrollment rate on Private Vocational High Schools in Taipei City, to understand the coping strategies upon it and to further analyze the opinions correlating to the variations by the teacher backgrounds, we designed questionnaire surveys guided by the theoretical framework developed from archive research. Then the questionnaire was distributed to 828 teachers of content subjects in 10 Private Vocational High School in Taipei, and 403 of them were collected, with a valid rate of 48.7%. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance and canonical correlation were applied. The conclusions drawn from statistic findings are listed as follows. 1.The decline in the number of children would cause tremendous impact on “Recruitment Strategy”, “Some subjects”, ” Slack resource management” and “the school management” for the Private Vocational High School in Taipei City. 2.There was no notable phenomenon of “Slack classrooms and facilities”. 3.Six strategies among the survey were considered as the imperious demands upon the decline in the number of children. Two of strategies were under “Recruitment strategy”; another 2 of them were under ”Subject adjustments”; another one was under “Slack resource management“ and the last belonged to “School transformation” 4.The variation of backgrounds of teachers would lead to the statistically significant result in the difference responses to the decline in the number of children. Based on the findings, eight suggestions were provided for the authorities and the academia organizations as references. Finally, for those researchers who would be interested in this field, four recommendations in subjects, variables, methods, mailed survey and instruments were proposed for reference.少子化因應對策臺北市私立高職學校the decline in the number of childrencoping strategiesprivate vocational high schools in taipei city臺北市私立高職教師因應少子化之意見調查研究A Study of Teacher’s Coping Strategies upon the Decline in the Number of Children in Private Vocational High Schools in Taipei City