黃昆輝2014-10-272014-10-271985-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25482決定理論是教育行政學的核心,作決定是教育行政的中心功能。教育行政人員所作決定是否確當合理,關係整個教育組織的運行,自然也影響教育行政的績效。作為教育行政人員,尤其是教育行政主管不能昧於教育行政決定理論。本文的目的,主要在析述教育行政決定理論。首先,介紹教育行政決定的性質;其次,分析教育行政決定的分類別;後次,析述影響教育行政決定合理性的因素;再次;討論教育行政決定的三個層面;最後,析述制度教育政策的策略。This article is to present a theoretical analysis of the making of decisions. For this purpose, the following five subtopics is analyzed. The nature of decision making is firstly explored. Decision making may be defined us the process of making the better choice among the all alternatives for future actions. It is the central Function of educational administration, and the main task of educational administrators. Secondly, decision making is categorized. It may be classified into two general categories:that is, policy making and non─policy making, and the latter may further be decided into implemental decision making and operating decision making. Policy making deals with policy issues and its effect is lasting. It is the responsibility of administrators in the upper level of the organizational hierarchy, policy decision is the task of administrators in the middle and lower levels of the organizational hierarehy, and it is related to the transaction and implementation of decisions. Thirdly, the rationality of decision is followingly described. The term“rationality” is relative, and not absolute. There is no absolutely rational decision, and we well not have any absolutely rational decisions. Any decision had, its limitations. Its rationality is mainly limited by human's knowledge, unconsciousness, value concept, environmental forces, and anticipation for the unknown consequences. This is the very fact with no dispute. Fourthly, tri─dimensional analysis of making decision if presented. Situation process and person constitutes the whole picture of decision making. Wise adaptation to the situation, adequate process, and the decision maker with flexibility, insight and comprehensiveness, are the fundamentals of rational decisions. Finally, the development of policy is analyzed. For making relevant and adequate decisions, administrators are recommended to take some major strategies such as optimality, disjointed incrementalism, reducing risks, consulting with experts, an教育行政決定理論之分析An Analysis of Decision Theory in Educational Administration