葉德明葉淑涵2019-08-282005-2-212019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000153%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86609摘要 華語教學在海峽兩岸,由於社會語言環境的差異,在教學與學習方 面,都有不同的面貌。因此,本論文以北京語言大學漢語速成學院和台灣 師範大學國語教學中心,為個案研究的對象,旨在對海峽兩岸的華語教學 現況做深入且有系統的介紹,藉由真實呈現兩所華語教學單位在各方面的 不同點,透過比對兩岸在華語教學上各個方面的異同,來發現當今台灣的 華語教學環境的優缺點,提出建言使台灣能夠建構出更完善的華語教育環 境。 第一章、緒論。敘明本論文研究背景(動機、問題與目的)、研究方 法與名詞定義。 第二章、文獻探討。首先說明學校行政的定義與組織,再談華語師資 培訓原則與方法,兼及近代語言教學法的探討,最後陳述華語文教材的編 寫原理和教材分級的參考標準。 第三章、兩教學單位之差異。依照海峽兩岸的地域畫分,呈現兩華語 教學單位在政策、行政、教師、教材、教學法、測驗、硬體設備、對外交 流、出版品等各方面的不同點。 第四章、從各層面探討影響華語教學之原因。本章分為四部分,首先 分析討論對於留學生所做的問卷調查,再呈現對於先後留學過海峽兩岸的 留學生做的深入訪談結果,兼及對海峽兩岸華語教師的訪談結果,最後則 陳述對國語中心主任的訪談結果。 第五章、結論。綜結本論文研究成果並提供後續研究之建議。Abstract hinese teachings cross strait are different due to the discrepancies in the environment of social languages, teaching and learning. Therefore, the focus of this thesis lies in the study of The College of Intensive Chinese Language Studies, BLCU and the Mandarin Teaching Center of National Taiwan Normal University for a profound and organized introduction of the Mandarin teachings on both sides cross strait by an honest discussion and presentation of the differences in these universities’ teachings; and based on the information mentioned above, the differences in all aspects from both sides’ Chinese teaching are compared to discover the advantages and disadvantages of Taiwan’s Chinese teaching today and to give suggestions for a better organized Chinese teaching environment. C Chapter One-- Preface: An introduction of the background of the study of Chinese (the motivations, questions, and purposes), study methods, and definitions of nouns. Chapter Two-- The discussion of literature: An introduction of the definition and organization of school administration is followed by the discussion of the training principles and methods for teachers of Chinese teaching and the recent language teaching methods. The final section is the introduction of the compiling principles of Chinese teaching materials and the referenced standards in leveling materials. Chapter Three-- The differences in the teaching from two sides cross strait: A geographical division is given to present the differences in policies, administrations, faculties, teaching methods, tests, hardware equipments, foreign communications, and publications, etc. Chapter Four-- An all-leveled discussion of possible factors which might influence Chinese teaching: There are four sections in this chapter. The first section is the analysis and discussion of the survey answered by foreign students cross strait , which is followed by the conclusions of thorough interviews of foreign students who have studied on both sides cross strait. Next there will be the results of the interviews of faculties of Chinese teaching institutions from both sides. The last part consists of the results of the interview of the dean of the Mandarin Center. Chapter Five-- Conclusion: A conclusion of the study results from in the thesis is given and is followed by suggestions for further studies.北京語言大學漢語速成他山之石可以攻玉-兩所華語教學單位之比較分析