董澤平Dong, Tse-Ping吳佩珊Wu, Pei-Shan2019-09-032022-07-012019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0104590154%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94898台灣在90年代經濟起飛之後,都市化的快速發展導致鄉村急遽沒落與人口外流,地方傳統產業與手工藝不斷萎縮式微。然而隨著全球經濟發展的轉變,台灣的製造優勢不再,於是開始反思另尋一條競爭價值再創之路,因此在2002年時,文建會提出「文化創意產業發展計畫」,2010年通過「文化創意產業發展法」,配合社區總體營造與文創產業的政策性發展,企圖創造台灣產業經濟的新商機與成長。 社區總體營造理念是「造人」,而地方型文創產業的發展與當代藝術價值轉變,皆以「人」與「環境」的緊密關係為基本精神所在。本研究先以台灣社區總體營造的文化政策演變、理論與實踐做為基礎,並以日本瀨戶內國際藝術祭為實際案例,分析藝術社造及社區經濟體型社會企業透過地方藝術祭的經營與操作,如何提升地方型文創產業的發展,再塑地方價值,實踐區域活化與振興地方經濟的社會目標,並提出地方藝術祭永續型資源流操作模式,說明地方型文創產業的經營關鍵,與地方文化資源流動管理的重要性,以期為台灣方興未艾的地方藝術文化節慶活動,提供發展永續經營模式的建議參考,達到保存地方文化與經濟發展的平衡目標。After the Taiwan economic blossom in the 1990s, the rapid development of urbanization led to the decline of the village, the outflow of the population and the traditional industries and handicrafts continue to shrink. However, with the transformation of global economic development, Taiwan's manufacturing advantage is no longer, so began to review another way of competitive value. In 2002, the "cultural and creative industry development plan" was proposed, and in 2010 the "Cultural and Creative Industry Development Law" was legislation passed. In line with the Comprehensive Community Development and cultural industry policy development, Taiwan in an attempt to create new industrial economy, new business opportunities and growth. Based on the evolution of cultural policy, theory and practice of the Taiwan comprehensive community development as a whole, this study analyzes the relationship between the community arts and local type social enterprise with the Setouchi Triennale as the actual case, indicates the importance of local cultural resources management, finally puts forward the strategy how to enhance the development of local type cultural industries and provides a sustainable business model of local art festival to achieve the practice of local activation and economic advancement in a balance way.地方文化資源流動管理地方型文創產業社區經濟體型社會企業社區總體營造瀨戶內國際藝術祭Community Economic Type Social EnterpriseComprehensive Community DevelopmentLocal Cultural Resources ManagementLocal Type Cultural IndustriesSetouchi Triennale地方型文創產業社區總體營造經營策略之研究-以日本瀨戶內國際藝術祭為例Business Strategy Research of Local Type Cultural Industry in Comprehensive Community Development:A Case Study of Setouchi Triennale in Japan