國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所温晏柯皓仁2015-09-032015-09-032011-06-011026-5279http://www.ncl.edu.tw/upload/P1000915001/cats/100-1-133-158.pdfhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74301公共圖書館與學校圖書館的合作服務,是兩個不同性質的圖書館發揮彼此專長,整合資源,以提供更完善多元的服務給兒童、青少年以及學校教師。本研究首先根據美國兒童圖書館服務協會網站所提供之資料,介紹美國公共圖書館與學校圖書館合作服務的實例;其次透過訪談臺灣公共圖書館館員了解臺灣進行合作服務的現況,並整理歸納出臺灣公共圖書館與學校的合作服務項目,最後對照美國與臺灣的合作服務項目。藉由本研究期能提升國內對公共圖書館與學校合作服務的瞭解,並有助於思索未來的合作方向。Children and young adults are clients of school libraries and public libraries. Due to limited resources, if public libraries and school libraries hang together, both of them can provide better services for children and young adults. This study describes the reasons for the cooperation between public libraries and school libraries, and surveys the cooperation submitted to the Web site of Association for Library Service to Children; furthermore, through interviews, this study explicates recent actions of cooperation between the two kinds of libraries in Taiwan. It is hoped that this article can be helpful for improving the understanding on the cooperation between school libraries and public libraries in Taiwan and paving the ways for future cooperation.公共圖書館學校圖書館青少年服務兒童服務合作服務夥伴關係Public librariesSchool librariesServices for young adultsServices for childrenCooperation servicesPartnership臺灣公共圖書館與學校合作服務之研究Study on Cooperation between Public Libraries and Schools in Taiwan