姜兆眉蘇盈儀Chao-Mei Chiang, Ying-Yi Su2020-09-032020-09-032019-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109014本行動研究起始於研究者作為諮商教育新手工作者,初任大學部輔導與諮商實習課程授課教師,希冀以臺灣輔導諮商專業發展脈絡為基底,回應學生學習需求以及銜接教、學、用,思考並安排實習課程之規劃與進行。研究之行動場域為研究者之大學部輔導與諮商實習課程,研究者課程規劃主要以自我覺察督導模式進行團體督導與個別督導,以及同儕督導、課程教學以進行課程。本行動研究目的為發展符合臺灣在地脈絡之實習課程規劃。研究資料蒐集以焦點團體訪談法進行,共以三階段進行:學期初、學期中、課程結束三個月後。由於研究者身兼教學者、督導者,研究訪談由研究助理執行以維護研究倫理;送出學習成績評量之後,研究者以歸納分析法進行資料分析。行動「中」的發現:一、課程前:(一)過去接受督導的經驗、(二)修習輔導與諮商實習課程的期待、(三)接受課程督導之前的整體狀態;二、課程進行中:(一)觀察督導者的位置與姿態、(二)觀察督導者的督導策略、(三)接受督導者督導後的影響、(四)對課程安排規劃之建議;三、課程進行後:(一)實習課程的學習、(二)以受督者為中心的督導、(三)督導者的督導策略、(四)接受督導者督導後的影響、(五)對於課程安排規劃之建議。本研究亦呈現研究者依據此次行動結果之調整、行動反思、以及延續行動方向。This action research was initiated from the aspect of a researcher’s reflection on being a novice counselor educator. Theresearcher in this study was the instructor of an undergraduate level practicum for the first time and reflected on the mannerin which this course should be arranged based on the guidance and counseling professional development context in Taiwan,professional development requirements of students, connecting course instruction, students’ learning, and professionalpractices. This study aimed to develop a course plan for undergraduate counseling practicum in terms of the Taiwanesecontext. Data collection was conducted using three focused group interviews that were conducted at the beginning of thecourse, in the middle of the course, and 3 months after the end of the course. As the researcher was an instructor and asupervisor of the course, all the interviews were conducted by research assistants who received focused group interviewtraining in order to ensure individual participants’ rights protected. The researcher did not access the research data until theparticipants’ grades of the course were submitted. An inductive analysis was used for data analysis. The observations andfindings obtained during the action research were as follows. First, the participants reported the following at the beginning ofthe course: (1) previous supervisory experiences, (2) expectations from the practicum course, and (3) their entire statusbefore receiving supervision. Second, the participants described the following in the middle of the course: (1) observations ofthe supervisor’s attitudes, (2) observations of the supervisor’s supervision strategies, (3) influence after receiving supervision,and (4) recommendations for future course arrangement. Finally, the participants reported the following 3 months after theend of the course: (1) learning gained from the practicum course, (2) details pertaining to “supervisee-centered” supervision,(3) supervisor’s supervision strategies, (4) influence after receiving supervision, and (5) recommendations for coursearrangement in the future. The researcher’s modification of the course plan based on the results of this study, reflections onthis action research, and continuous actions of the researcher are presented.大學部輔導與諮商實習課程自我覺察督導模式行動研究諮商員教育覺察與反思Action researchAwareness and reflexivityCounselor educationSelf-awareness Supervision ModelUndergraduate counseling practicumcourse諮商教育新手工作者的教學行動:以覺察與反思為訓練主軸的大學部輔導與諮商實習課程為例A Novice Counselor Educator’s Action Research onTeaching: An Undergraduate Counseling PracticumCourse Based on Awareness and Reflexivity-focusedTraining