王瓊麗Chiung-Li Wang潘佳昀Jia-Yun Pan2020-12-102012-7-122020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098603103%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115037本創作研究以繪畫創作方式,表達個人對臺大校園瑠公圳水源池環境與生 活的情感。筆者將生態觀念融入藝術創作內容之中,期使觀賞者被生態之美所 感動,進而關心生態保育,並瞭解在市區也能欣賞生態之美,而成為休閒生活 的一部分。此外並探討印象主義畫家莫內、後印象主義畫家高更及生態藝術繪 畫,做為學理基礎,並將其應用為創作表現技巧,呈現具備藝術風貌,充滿靈 性的作品,不只是視覺效果的美感,更能傳達對市區自然生態與人類共生互利 的和諧關係。This research conducted by painting creation aims to express personal feelings to environment and life of Liugongjun pool on NTU campus. The author integrated ecological concepts into art creation in order to make the appreciators be affected by ecological beauty and concern about ecological protection and understand that ecological beauty is available downtown to be part of recreation. Furthermore, this research studied Impressionist Monet, Post Impressionist Gauguin and ecological artist paintings as a theoretical basis for the expression of painting skills to create paintings full of spiritual art styles, which are not only visual aesthetic feelings but also the mutual benefits and harmonic relationship between downtown natural ecology and human beings.生態藝術生態瑠公圳水源池Ecological-artEcologicalLiugongjun Pool生態‧印象-臺大校園瑠公圳水源池創作研究Ecological Impression - A Creation Research on NTU Campus Liugongjun Pool