董澤平Dong, Tse-Ping陳靜熏Chen, Ching-Hsun2020-12-102016-09-012020-12-102016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002603315%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114366在全球數位典藏計畫運作及文化創意產業發展趨勢下,博物館藏品數位化、商業化在國內儼然形成風潮,我國數位典藏國家型科技計畫歷經兩期十年,完成中央研究院、國立故宮博物院、國立自然科學博物館、國家圖書館等館藏數位化工作,累計近五百多萬筆數位化典藏品。本研究就數位內容產業的特性,提出「博物館數位典藏商業模式十大要素」,以中央研究院數位核心平台計畫為例,透過參與觀察法、文獻分析法蒐集資料,並深度訪談計畫中核心成員,探究數位藏品商業化與博物館彼此之間的影響,數位藏品持有者、創作者、管理者及仲介者之間的合作關係,以及數位素材透過造型加值、技術服務及內容轉製等方式進行商業化的過程分析,最終針對個案及現況提出問題與建議。 數位核心平台計畫掌握核心資源及流程,擁有多元的產品及市場,與競爭者最大的差異在於對數位藏品同時具備學術內涵及市場應用的專業素養,若能扮演介於博物館學界與產業界之間的中介經紀角色,擔任藏品加值的轉譯者,將有助於博物館藏品再活化,與實體博物館相輔相成。面臨數位內容鑑價機制及授權模式未定,加上對於博物館之數位圖像不具任何權利,因此,博物館數位典藏之商業應用不應聚焦在以授權經紀代理為獲利主要來源,應積極從事數位媒材再利用,創造新的作品產生新的權利。本研究發現博物館數位藏品加值應用的最大問題,是使用者對於數位藏品不方便使用且不知如何使用,並分別提出透過數位藏品內容或技術「再製」的方法,以及在產業化過程加入「中介者」角色協助藏品知識內容轉譯,以期在有限的資源情況下,讓博物館數位典藏商業化有效發展。Attributing to the impetus of global digital archives and culture industry, digitizing and commercializing museum exhibits becomes a trend in Taiwan. The National Digital Archive Program, the largest digital archive program in Taiwan, has preserved over 5 million archives from Academia Sinica, National Palace Museum, National Museum of Natural Science, National Central Library and other cultural institution in the past decade. This thesis proposes a business model for digital archive museums, concerning the distinctive characteristics of the digital content industry. The proposed model is demonstrated in the case of Core Platforms for Digital Content Project in Academia Sinica. By in-depth interviews with the core members in the program, we probe into the interaction between commodity business of the archives and the virtual museums. In addition, we investigate the cooperative relations among archive holders, creative commodity designers, digital content managers and licensing agent. Furthermore we analyze the commercial procedures of value-added products, technical service and rendering of the authenticated content. Finally we comment on the current situation of the instance and present our suggestions. Core Platforms for Digital Content Project predominates key resources and key activities in product and market scope. The competitive advantage of the Core Platforms is determined by the academic cultivation and professional market application. The Core Platforms bridges the gap between museology and industry; meanwhile, they interpret the value-added content on digital archives, which activate museum exhibits and complement the virtual museums. However the appraisal mechanism and licensing modes are unsettled, and the interpreters are not empowered any rights on the archived digital images. As a result, licensing the museum archives should not be the only revenue. Commercial application on digital archives needs to profit from revitalizing digital media and creating new rights on the reproduced commodities. The crucial problem of value-added digital archives is the accessibility of the users and feasible applications of the digital content. We propose a digital content reproduction approach and introduce the role of interpreters to assist rendering the metadata in digital archives in the process of industrial transference. We endeavor to facilitate the commercial exploitation of digital archives under the condition of limited resources.數位典藏數位內容博物館聯合目錄數位化商業化文化創意產業digital archivesdigital contentmuseumsUnion Catalogdigitizationcommercialcultural and creative industries博物館數位典藏商業應用之探索性研究-以中央研究院數位核心平台計畫為例An Exploratory Research on Commercial Applications of Museum Digital Archives - A Case Study of Core Platforms for Digital Content Project in Academia Sinica