陳李綢陳淑美陳亭妤Chen, Ting-Yu2019-08-282012-7-172019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098012114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90721本研究旨在探討國小一般生和特教生的母親,其親職壓力、因應策略與身心健康之差異。研究者首先聚焦於背景變項,探討一般生和特教生母親在各個背景變項之不同水準間的差異;接著回到本研究的主題,探討一般生和特教生在三個依變項上的差異;接著,分析三個依變項之間的相關性;最後,探討親職壓力、因應策略對身心健康的預測力。本研究採立意抽樣,樣本來自臺北市的12個行政區共16所公立國民小學,就讀於1至6年級的學童之母親,有效樣本人數合計670人(374位一般生母親、296位特教生母親)。本研究以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,使用工具包括「國小學童母親親職壓力量表」、「國小學童母親因應策略量表」及「身心健康量表」。所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子單變量變異數分析、積差相關及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析處理,研究結果如下: 一、 國小一般生母親的婚姻狀況、家庭總月收入不同,其親職壓力有顯著差異;國小特教生母親的就業狀況、婚姻狀況、家庭總月收入不同,其親職壓力有顯著差異,控制信念的得分亦會因不同的就業狀況有所差異。 二、 國小一般生母親的婚姻狀況、家庭總月收入不同、是否有宗教信仰,其因應策略有顯著差異;國小特教生母親的就業狀況、家庭總月收入不同、是否有宗教信仰,其因應策略有顯著差異。 三、 國小一般生母親的孩子年齡、婚姻狀況、家庭總月收入不同,其身心健康有顯著差異;國小特教生母親的就業狀況、婚姻狀況、家庭總月收入不同、是否有宗教信仰,其身心健康有顯著差異。 四、 國小特教生母親之親職壓力大於一般生母親,其中以資源支持帶給母親的親職壓力程度最大。在「內控」向度上,一般生母親的得分較高,在「外控」向度上,特教生母親的得分較高。 五、 面對問題與壓力時,特教生母親較一般生母親易採取「淡化問題」和「承擔情緒」的因應策略。 六、 國小一般生母親較特教生母親身心健康狀況佳。 七、 國小一般生母親和特教生母親在「親職壓力」、「因應策略」和「身心健康」兩兩之間皆具顯著相關。 八、 親職壓力和因應策略變項能有效預測國小一般生和特教生母親的身心健康。 根據上述,研究者依據研究結果加以討論並提出建議,以提供學校、政府機關、相關單位及後續研究之參考。The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among the parenting stress, coping strategies and mental health for mothers of elementary school children in Taipei city. First, to explore the difference between regular and special children’s mothers of different background levels. Then focus on the difference between regular and special children’s mothers among the parenting stress, coping strategies and mental health. Next, to analyze the relationships among these three variables. Finally, to explore the first two variables in predicting mental health. The method of this study was questionnaire survey. The subjects of this study were 670 mothers who have children (394 regular and 276 with special needs) in elementary school from grade 1 to grade 6 in Taipei city, collected from 12 districts and 16 public schools. The subjects were tested with Parenting Stress Scale, Coping Strategies Scale and Mental Health Measurement. All were analyzed by using t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé’s method, Pearson’s correlation analysis and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The major results from this research are as follows: 1. The parenting stress of regular mothers differed according to the marital status and the family’s monthly income. The parenting stress of mothers with special needs children differed according to jobs, marital status and the family’s monthly income, the control of locus also differed according to jobs. 2. Coping strategies of regular mothers differed according to the marital status, the family’s monthly income and religion. The parenting stress of mothers with special needs children differed according to jobs, the marital status and the family’s monthly income, the control of locus also differed according to jobs. 3. Mental health of regular mothers differed according to children’s age, the marital status and the family’s monthly income. Mental health of mothers with special needs children differed according to jobs, the marital status, the family’s monthly income and religion. 4. Mothers with special needs children reported higher levels of parenting stress than regular mothers, especially in “resource support”. Regular mothers are tend to be internal locus of control, while mothers with special needs children are tent to be external locus of control when facing the stress. 5. Mothers with special needs children are tent to use problem-avoided and emotion-afforded strategies to cope with the stress more often than regular mothers. 6. Mental health of regular mothers are better than mothers with special needs children. 7. There were each correlations between mothers’ parenting stress, coping strategies and their mental health. 8. The parenting stress and coping strategies of regular mothers and mothers with special needs children were significant in predicting their mental health.特教生親職壓力因應策略身心健康Special needs childrenParenting stressCoping strategiesMental Health國小一般生和特教生母親親職壓力、因應策略和身心健康的比較研究A Comparative Study on Parenting Stress, Coping Strategy and Mental Health of Regular and Special Children’s Mothers in elementary school