林意雪Yih-Sheue Lin2014-10-272014-10-272010-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13173本研究以社會文化取向(sociocultural approach) 的文化工具(cultural tools) 為分析架構,試圖理解一名六年級學生在文學圈中擔任組長的行為,並探討其與教師期待及所提供之工具權力間的關係。文化工具為維高斯基學派學者Wertsch提出的分析概念,用以瞭解社會中的行為及中介手段。本文闡述文化工具的起源、內涵及應用,並分析教師所提供之工具是否適切支持組長的角色任務,以瞭解學生取用工具或為工具所限制的情況。研究發現,學生所取用的文化工具,均是教師刻意或無心所提供的,目的都在於達成組長任務,並藉由工具所賦予的權力來補足自身權力的不足。本研究將教學放回師生互動及學生互動的社會脈絡中思考,有助於教師瞭解學生行為,並注意中介手段的重要性,對於教學改進具有相當程度的幫助。The purpose of this research article is to understand a quiet student's leadership in small groups using“ cultural tools" as analytic framework. Cultural tools of James V. Wertsch's expanded Vygotsky's notion of mediation, deeply rooted in the sociocultural theory. This article illustrated the origins, meanings and applications of the cultural tools. The study took place in a sixth grade class of an urban and diverse middle schoollocated in the Northwestern United States. In order to understand the subject's participation, teacher's instruction during literature circle, and the group interaction was analyzed and understood through the framework of cultural tools. The result showed that the student's leadership was mediated by tools the teacher provided, purposefully or unintentionally; yet the student needed further support in gaining power. The significance of the study is to provide perspectives on teaching and learning by placing them in the context and examining the intertwined relationship between teacher's instruction and student behaviors.社會文化取向教學分析文化工具小組互動維高斯基學派sociocultural approachanalysis ofteachingcultural toolssmall group interactionVygotskian文化工具做為教與學之分析架構:一個文學圈的實例探討Cultural Tools as Analytic Framework for Teaching and Learning: An Exploratory Case on Literature Circle