國立臺灣師範大學大眾傳播研究所陳炳宏2014-10-302014-10-302008/08/01http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/33457台灣有線電視產業發展長期處於非法營運時期,其間公開產業資料不多且蒐 集不易,因此在台灣發展有線電視產業發展近四十年且已合法化後,亟需建構 台灣有線電視產業發展史。另外台灣發展有線電視服務,雖處非法卻深受閱聽 眾歡迎,但經營者多數低調以免樹大招風,成為台灣發展有線電視的無名英雄。 因此有鑑於此,為免產業資料繼續散居各處或流失,以及產業先驅者陸續離散 或凋零,本研究將建構台灣有線電視產業發展史,並描繪有線電視產業先驅者圖 像。 本研究將以傳播政治經濟分析作為史料整理的核心軸線,建構有線電視產業 發展史,另以個人生命史研究,作為描繪有線電視產業先驅者圖像的分析架構, 藉由文件分析法、深度訪談法,以及焦點團體討論等研究方法,完成研究目標, 即建構台灣有線電視產業發展史,描繪產業先驅者圖像,建構完整有線電視產 業發展史料。Due to its illegal operation for more than 25 years, Taiwan’s cable television industry lacks of industrial data for constructing cable television history of Taiwan. This study focuses on constructing Taiwan’s cable television history by the perspective of political economy of communications. In addition, cable television service in Taiwan was provided by a group of anonymous operators during illegal period of time, so this study aims at portraying those cable industry pioneers through life history research. To reach goals of constructing Taiwan’s cable television history and portraying cable industry pioneers, this study conducts three research methods of document analysis, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussion. This study may build up industrial database for the academia of communications field in general and cable industry researchers in particular.有線電視個人生命史研究產業史產業先驅者傳播政經分析cable televisioncable industry historylife history researchcableindustry pioneerspolitical economy of communications台灣有線電視產業發展史及其先驅者個人生命史研究Taiwan's Cable Television History and the Life Histories of the Industry Pioneers