王美文Wang, Mei-Wen巫怡慧Wu, Yi-Huei2019-08-292017-08-202019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060102007E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92081本研究旨在探討大臺北地區成人學生對於資訊素養的態度及數位閱讀行為之情況,以及個人背景變項在資訊素養及數位閱讀行為之差異情形,並探討大臺北地區成人學生之資訊素養與數位閱讀行為之關係。本研究以大臺北地區之成人學生為母群體,抽取於大臺北地區成人教育機構進行學習活動的學生,獲得有效問卷445份,研究工具為研究者自製之「大臺北地區成人學生資訊素養與數位閱讀行為調查問卷」,研究結果發現如下: 一、大臺北地區成人學生資訊素養程度普遍為中高程度。 二、大臺北地區成人學生數位閱讀情況普遍為積極。 三、大臺北地區成人學生的資訊素養會因背景變項的不同而有差異。 四、大臺北地區成人學生的數位閱讀行為會因背景變項的不同而有差異。 五、大臺北地區成人學生資訊素養與數位閱讀行為有相關。This study aims to investigate the status of the adult students’ who are in Taipei area informantion literacy and digital reading behaviors, and to compare the differences of adult students’ personal variables on their information literacy and digital reading behviors, and also to discuss the relationship between adult students’ in Taipei area information literacy and digital reading behviors. This study adopts questionnaire survey to collect data. Taking adult students in Taipei area as the research targets, and collecting 445 vaild questionnaire. The questionnaire is based on the relevant literature and quesionaire and revised as “The survey of information literacy and digital reading behaviors among adult students in Taipei area”. The main research findings are showed as bellow: 1. The information literacy among adult students in Taipei area are “uper-high” level performance. 2. The digital reading behaviors among adult students in Taipei area are active. 3. Significant differences were found between the background variables in the information literacy among adult students in Taipei area. 4. Significant differences were found between the background variables in the digital reding behviors among adult students in Taipei area. 5. There is a positive correlation between information literacy and digital reading behaviors 成人學生資訊素養數位閱讀行為adult studentinformation literacydigital reading behavior大臺北地區成人學生資訊素養與數位閱讀行為之研究The study of information literacy and digital reading behavior among adult students in Taipei area