張德永李寶鳳2019-08-292012-7-182019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098023120%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92338本研究旨在探討社大學員社會資本與社區參與的現況,並分析兩者對彼此的影響。主要目的在了解:一、社大學員社會資本的高低;二、不同背景變項的社大學員社會資本的差異情形;三、社大學員社區參與的情形;四、不同背景變項的社大學員社區參與的差異情形;五、社大學員社會資本與社區參與之間相互影響的情形。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以「社會資本量表」及「社區參與量表」 作為研究工具,新北市社大學員為對象,採取PPS 抽樣的方式,共取得有效樣本520 份。所得資料以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及逐步多元迴歸等統計方法驗證本研究假設。 本研究得到的結論如下: 一、新北市社大學員的社會資本相當高。 二、新北市社大學員的社會資本會因年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、職業類別與社大學習年資的不同,在整體及各構面具有顯著差異。 三、新北市社大學員的社區參與未達積極水準。 四、新北市社大學員的社區參與會因年齡、婚姻狀況、職業類別與社大學習年資的不同,在整體及各構面具有顯著差異。 五、新北市社大學員的社會資本對其社區參與具有正向的解釋力。 六、新北市社大學員的社區參與有助於其社會資本的累積。 七、新北市社大學員的社會資本與社區參與兩者之間互為因果關係。 根據研究結果,針對如何促進社大學員的社會資本與社區參與提出若干建議,以供社區政策、社區大學、社大學員暨後續研究參考。The main purposes of this study were to explore the social capital and community participation of New Taipei City Community University learners and its relationship. This study adopted the questionnaire-survey approach. Samples were selected by proportional to population size sampling ( PPS ) and investigated by structure questionnaire. 520 learners from four New Taipei City Community Universities were randomly sampled by the researcher. The instrument for the study: “the Questionnaire of Community University Learners’ Social Capital and Community Participation” were developed by the researcher and included two scales, one was “the Scale of Social Capital” and the other was“the Scale of Community Participation.” The methods for data analysis were descriptives, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation,canonical correlation, and multiple stepwise regression. The study came to the following conclusions through the statistic analysis: 1. New Taipei City Community University learners had high social capital. 2.The social capital of New Taipei City Community University learners differed in terms of personal variables. 3.New Taipei City Community University learners had showed overall community participation behavior below the positive level. 4.The community participation of New Taipei City Community University learners differed in terms of personal variables. 5.In general, the social capital of New Taipei City Community University learners has positive impacts on community particiPation . 6.The community participation of New Taipei City Community University learners has promoted stock social capital as well . 7.Between social capital and community participation of New Taipei City Community University learners are mutually reinforcing. Finally , based on the study findings , some suggestions were raised to the implications for community policy, community university, the learners of community university, and future research.社區大學社會資本社區參與community universitysocial capitalcommunity participation新北市社大學員社會資本與社區參與及其相關性之研究The Study on Social Capital and Community Participation of