黃進龍Huang, Chin-Lung黃文皚Hwang, Wen-Ai2023-12-082022-06-252023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2cb98121de6bc7f5c0652b3dd220d40d/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121920火和光,對人類文明的發展具有相當的影響力,自從18世紀愛迪生發明電燈以後,照明工具的發展一日千里,照明需求是日新月異。以現代的生產製造技術和能源的供應,照明的結構已經進步到非常成熟的地步;如此一來,照明產品的裝飾性的需求,大大的超越照明功能性的需求,這是非常符合馬斯洛的需求理論。而照明產品的裝飾性的需求,因為技術創新,社會的進步,文明的演進,也不斷的蛻變。針對2013年中國燈飾市場中產階級的居家空間,所需要的照明產品,設計師如何來深挖市場的機會?如何創造出有競爭性的燈飾產品?個案實務在設計前,先行蒐集市場上相關資訊,先進行廣泛了解市場上正夯的燈飾產品,和相關的中國元素資料收集,諮詢相關人員,參考歷史文獻,同時亦不斷進行構思方案,隨手畫草圖,到一定的數量程度,過濾篩選比較可行有效的方案,轉化成示意圖。示意圖累積到一定的數量與方案,就要尋求與生產單位內部溝通。經過N次溝通,達到一致的結論,才將此結論轉化成,具體可執行的結構圖,和對外展示用的表現圖,詳細成本估價,時間排程…。用表現圖,排程和預估售價,直接到市場上做訪談,有一定市場正面反饋的結果後,才算功德圓滿,之後的責任就交給生產和銷售單位,進入生產配銷階段。Fire and luminary have considerable influence on the development of human civilization. Since Edison invented the electric light bulb in the 18th century, luminary tools have developed rapidly. Now that industry and commerce are developed, and information transparency is far from far away, the demand for lighting is changing day after day. With modern manufacturing technology and energy supply, the mechanism of lighting has progressed to a very mature level. As a result, the decorative needs of lighting products greatly exceed the functional needs. This is very in consistent with Maslow's theory of needs. And the decorative needs of lighting products, because of technological innovation, social progress, the evolution of civilization, the demand is also constantly changing sharply. This case is aimed at China middle class household lighting market around 2013, And is to demonstrate how designers can seize the market opportunities, and how to create competitive lighting products incorporate with manufacturer. The very first step, is to collect relevant market information, particularly the most popular trendy items, and also collect Chinese element data which derived from Chinese culture, consult relevant personnel, and refer to historical documents... At the same time, we also continuously to develop ideas, sketches, to a certain degree, filter and filter more feasible and effective solutions, and convert them into schematic diagrams. When the schematic diagrams were accumulated to a certain amount, it is necessary to seek internal communication with the production related department. After numerous times of communication, a consistent final conclusion is reached, and this conclusion is converted into concrete executable structure drawings, for internal production department to proceed detailed cost estimate, and a time table schedule. Also from the and presentation diagram for communication with external people. Using presentation charts, schedules and estimated selling prices, go directly to the market to do research, and only when there is a certain positive feedback from the market, and then the responsibility will be handed over to the production and sales units to enter the production and distribution stage.中國元素現代化生活裝飾燈具生活美學Chinese Elementsmodern lifeDecorative Lamplife and aesthetics綜論中國元素在裝飾燈具的個案實務與設計Chinese Elements Application in a case of Decorate Lamps Designreport_pro