王禎翰Wang, Jeng-Han梁文翰Liang, Wen-Han2023-12-082028-06-302023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c57e6736888c8c9d345827aeae6d824c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121006直接甲醇燃料電池(DMFCs)因高能量密度、環境污染低以及攜帶方便等優點,成為替代化石燃料的綠色能源之一。改善其陽極上的甲醇氧化反應(MOR)之緩慢動力學,可以進一步加速直接甲醇燃料電池的發展。本文研究直接甲醇燃料電池陽極觸媒中具有前途的雙金屬Pt-Ru 奈米粒子,其結構與電子效應對甲醇氧化反應之影響。本實驗使用多元醇合成法來製備陽極觸媒,其中乙二醇作為還原劑以及溶劑,藉由調控pH值形成不同晶粒尺寸。鑑定觸媒的結構與組成是藉由高解析穿透式電子顯微鏡(HRTEM)、能量色散X射線譜(EDX)、紫外/可見光光譜儀(UV-Vis)、粉末式X光繞射儀(PXRD)、X射線光電子能譜(XPS),測試觸媒的甲醇氧化之活性是使用循環伏安法(CV)與計時安培法(CA)。從實驗結果觀察到用多元醇合成的觸媒Pt3Ru-10(241.9 mA/mgpt)其質量活性(MA)與市售Pt/C(134.2 mA/mgpt)相比,有將近兩倍的增長其因是Ru的協同效應作用,並且也觀察到在最鹼的環境下合成之觸媒因結構效應的作用,有最好的質量活性。Direct methanol fuel cell (DMFCs) is considered as a green energy alternatives to replace the limited fossil fuels due to the advantages of high energy density, low environmental pollution, and convenient portability. To improve the slow kinetics in its anodic reaction, methanol oxidation reaction (MOR), can further speed up the development of DMFCs.In this study, we investigated the structural and electronic effect of MOR on bimetallic Pt-Ru nanoparticles, the promising anode for DMFCs.The anodic materials were synthesized using a polyol method, where ethylene glycol served as both a reducing agent and a solvent, with controlled pH value and varied sizes. The structures and compositions of those catalysts were characterized byEnergy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), Ultraviolet/Visible spectrophotometer (UV-Vis), Powder X-ray diffractometer (PXRD), High-resolution Transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Their MOR activity and stability were examined by Cyclic Voltammerty, (CV) and Chronoamperometry, (CA). Our results found that the polyol synthesized bimetallic Pt3Ru-10 (241.9 mA/mgpt) shows the nearly two times improved mass activity than commercial Pt/C (134.2 mA/mgpt) in the aspect of synergistic effect, and bimetallic Pt3Ru shows the best mass activity observed under the most alkaline synthesis conditions due to structural effects.甲醇氧化反應乙二醇pH值晶粒尺寸MORPtRuethylene glycolpH valuegrain size甲醇氧化反應在鉑釕雙金屬奈米粒子的催化活性探討Investigation of catalytic activity of Methanol Oxidation Reaction on Platinum Ruthenium Bimetallic Nanoparticlesetd