楊聰榮Edwin Yang鄒瓊美Phatcharaphokai Daraka2019-08-282023-02-222019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060185013I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86165自從1989年台灣正式核准引進外籍勞工來台,東南亞各國就不斷輸入勞工彌補台灣的勞動力。除外籍勞工外,還有不少來自東南亞地區的女性藉由「婚姻移民」來台,使跨國婚姻的外籍人口成為台灣的第5族群,稱為「新移民」或「新住民」。 隨著外籍勞工在工作場所與台籍勞工日益增多的互動機會,間接地促進了不少跨國婚姻。一向以溫柔、體貼、顧家形象著稱的泰籍男性勞工,尤其容易獲得台籍勞工的青睞。因此,泰籍男性配偶的人數高於其他國籍的男性配偶。 本文將選擇跨國婚姻的泰籍丈夫族群為研究對象,運用問卷調查法、田野調查法以及參與觀察法等方法,深入了解泰籍丈夫與台灣太太締結婚姻後在台定居原因,並對跨國婚姻的男女雙方在社會文化適應以及婚姻適應等問題上進行探究。 由於受限於研究個案資料取得的難度,本文僅能以台籍太太為訪談對象,希望透過她們的觀點了解泰籍丈夫族群的跨國婚姻狀況。透過問卷調查及個案訪談,本文獲得以下結論。 1. 外勞與本勞互動頻繁的工作場所成為跨國婚姻的主要孕育場所。 2. 泰籍丈夫的溫柔、聽話特質成為台籍太太選擇跨國婚姻的影響因素。 3. 台籍太太因社經地位、經濟實力、及教育程度成為跨國婚姻的強勢者。 4. 文化、價值觀、語言等成為台泰跨國婚姻的主要爭執因素。Taiwan Government officially approved of its introduction of foreign labors in 1989. Since then, foreign workers from Southeast Asian Countries had made up for Taiwan’s shortage of labors. Many of the immigrant workers married Taiwanese and became marriage immigrants to Taiwan. These marriage immigrants known as New Immigrants has formed the 5th ethnic group of Taiwan because of their population size. Frequent contacts between Taiwanese and foreign workers at the workplace have indirectly promoted transnational marriages between Taiwanese people with migrant workers. Thai men who are renowned for their gentleness, thoughtfulness and family-caring, subsequently gain much of Taiwanese women’s favor. As a result, Male Thai spouses in Taiwan are greater in number than male spouses from other countries. This study takes Male Thai Spouses of the transnational marriages as the research subjects. Qestionnaires, field observations and in-depth interviews were applied to explore issues in Thai-Taiwan transnational marriages. This study aims to investigate reasons for their settlement in Taiwan, their marital adaptations to each other in culture, in social community and in everyday living. Due to the limitations on the data collection, some of the Male Thai Spouses’ information can only obtained through interviews with their Taiwanese wives. The research results indicate as follows: 1. Workplaces where foreign workers frequently encounter local workers become the breeding grounds for transnational marriages. 2. Character traits of Thai men, such as gentleness, thoughtfulness and family-caring, are factors that affect Taiwanese women’s choices of transnational marriages. 3. Because of the higher socioeconomic status, stronger economic strength and higher educational level, Taiwanese wives take the leading role in the Thai-Taiwan transnatial marriges. 4. Cultural differences, different value orientation and language barrier are main reasons that provoke quarrels in the transnational marriages.跨國婚姻婚姻適應泰國丈夫外籍配偶新移民transnational marriagemarital adaptationThai husbandforeign spousenew immigrant跨國婚姻中的婚姻適應-以泰籍先生與臺灣太太為例Adaptations in Transnational Marriages: Focus on Thai Husbands and Their Taiwanese Wives