王恩美Wang, En-Mei謝皓琪Hsieh, Hao-Chi2019-08-282015-09-012019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=%22http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060083006I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85800  在1392年朝鮮太祖建立朝鮮王朝後,明朝開始派遣使臣來處理雙方的衝突問題,而朝鮮王朝則欲透過明朝使臣出使的機會,與明朝建立宗屬關係並成為天下秩序「華」一員,最終在1401年由朝鮮太宗正式與明朝建立宗屬關係。為了迎接、接待明朝使臣,朝鮮王朝首都漢城中也開始形成相關的空間與舉行的儀式,到朝鮮世宗時期明朝使臣出使朝鮮王朝時,明朝使臣在漢城使用的空間與舉行的儀式,皆達到完備並且正式將其制度化。   本論文的研究目的是探討朝鮮王朝如何設計接待明朝使臣的漢城空間與儀式,並說明在天下秩序、宗屬關係下漢城空間與儀式對朝鮮王朝所代表的意涵。以朝鮮太祖至朝鮮世宗(1392-1450)期間,朝鮮王朝與明朝宗屬國關係建立到穩定往來的過程中,探討朝鮮王朝透過明朝使臣所使用的漢城空間與儀式展現「禮制」,向明朝展現其為天下秩序「華」的一員、明朝的藩屬國,來得到明朝對朝鮮王朝的認可;另一方面,朝鮮王朝也透過朝鮮國王對漢城空間的使用,以及對明儀式在朝鮮王朝禮制中的劃分,向朝鮮王朝內部展現政權正統性與地位。After Taejo of Joseon established the Joseon Dynasty in 1392, the Ming Dynasty dispatched envoys to deal with the conflict between the two sides. The Joseon Dynasty wanted to take advantage of the presence of the Ming envoys to try to establish suzerain-tributary relations with the Ming Dynasty and become a vassal state of the Hua distinction in the Chinese world order. Ultimately, in 1401, the Joseon Dynasty entered into a suzerain-tributary relationship with the Ming Dynasty, and Joseon’s capital, Hanseong, became a space for conducting reception rites to receive Ming envoys. By the time of the reign of Sejong the Great, the use of Hanseong as a space for conducting reception rites to receive Ming envoys was perfected and formally institutionalized. The research objectives of this thesis are to investigate how the Joseon Dynasty prepared Hanseong as a space for conducting reception rites to receive Ming envoys, and elucidate what these reception rites and the usage of Hanseong represented to the Joseon Dynasty while being a vassal state of the Hua distinction to the Ming Dynasty in the Chinese world order. This thesis will also consider the time period between the reigns of Taejo of Joseon and Sejong the Great (1392 – 1450), during which the Joseon Dynasty’s suzerain-tributary relationship with the Ming Dynasty was in the process of stabilizing, and further discuss how the Joseon Dynasty obtained recognition from the Ming Dynasty by presenting itself as a vassal state of the Hua distinction in the Chinese world order and exhibiting a “system of rites” by using Hanseong as a space to conduct reception rites to receive Ming envoys. In addition, by demarcating Ming rites from Joseon rites and through the usage of Hanseong, Joseon kings demonstrated to their interior ministries the legitimacy of the Joseon Dynasty’s regime and its position of power.天下秩序宗屬關係朝鮮王朝明朝使臣漢城儀式禮制The Chinese world ordersuzerain-tributary relationshipJoseon DynastyMing envoysHanseongsystem of ritesHua distinction對明關係下朝鮮王朝的漢城空間與儀式-以1392年至1450年明朝使臣出使為中心The Role of Hanseong and Reception Rites in the Joseon Dynasty’s Suzerain-Tributary Relationship with the Ming Dynasty -With a focus on the Ming envoys dispatched to Joseon between 1392 to 1450