楊紹裘郭郁岑Yu-Tsen, Kuo2019-09-042007-8-72019-09-042007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694700458%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99041室內設計的研究者常指出,辦公室佈置對於工作者往往會影響他們的隱私感與彼此之間的溝通方式,進而影響工作效率。然而,辦公室佈置與工作者隱私感及溝通方式之關係的實証研究仍相當缺乏,因此本研究旨在於探討各類型辦公室中不同工作背景變項工作者對於隱私感與溝通方式之相互關係。 研究方法為調查法,使用調查隱私感與溝通方式之問卷,研究對象為辦公室的四種類型(1)個別作業型(2)獨立研究型(3)小組合作型(4)知識交換型辦公室中不同工作背景變項工作者,研究回收問卷共222份,有效問卷為217份,問卷量化分析方法包括描述性統計、因素分析、t考驗及單因子變異數分析,研究結果顯示: 一、不同工作背景變項工作者與辦公室配置有相關性存在 二、不同辦公室配置對隱私層面及溝通層面有差異性存在 三、各類型辦公室中不同工作背景變項的工作者在隱私構面有差異性存在 四、各類型辦公室中不同工作背景變項的工作者在溝通行為有差異性存在 總結而言,此研究希望能解釋不同辦公室配置對於不同工作者之隱私感與溝通方式的關係,實務界也可以藉此進一步了解辦公室工作者對於其工作環境觀感及設計上的選用。Interior design researchers have often pointed out that office layouts tend to affect employees’ perception of personal space and the communication with others, which influences work efficiency. However, there is a lack of empirical research on the link between office layouts, personal space perception, and in-office communication. Therefore, this research aims to explore the relationship between personal space perception, in-office communication, and employees’ of different backgrounds from varying office layouts. The method of research is by survey. Utilizing questionnaires concerning the perception of personal space and in-office communication, employees of different backgrounds from four types of offices (1) Individual Processes (2) Concentrated Study (3) Group Processes (4) Transactional Knowledge participated in this study. In the end, 222 questionnaires were retrieved, with 217 of them valid. Quantitative analysis of questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test, and one-ANOVA. The results included: 1.The relationship between employees of different backgrounds and office layouts exists. 2.Personal space perception and in-office communications differ with office layouts. 3.Differences exist between the perceptions of personal space when analyzing employees of different backgrounds in different offices. 4.Differences exist between the communications when analyzing employees of different backgrounds in different offices. In conclusion, this study hopes to explain the relationship between office layouts, employees’ perception of personal space, and in-office communications, as well as providing interior designers with a better understanding of how design usage affects office employees’ perceptions of their working environment.辦公室配置環境感知溝通隱私感辦公室設計office layoutenvironment perceptioncommunicationpersonal spaceoffice design辦公室內工作者之隱私感、溝通方式與空間配置之關係性研究The Relationship of Office Layouts to Perception of Personal Space and In-Office Communication.