王櫻芬Wang, Ying-FenSofia Vintimilla AndradeSofia Vintimilla Andrade2022-06-089999-12-312022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/55d05d9b9aa63aaae1e3e5b7cd4e348e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1167832020年的COVID-19疫情不僅對全求人口身體健康大有影響,還牽涉到心理健康。本研究旨在調查居住於臺灣的259名外國人之主動因應,預防因應和迴避因應對其壓力感受和主觀幸福感之間的調節作用。本研究於2020年11月22日至2020年12月12日進行線上調查。使用Perceived Stress Scale(PSS-10)的COVID-19修改版(PSS-10-C)、The World Health Organization Five-well-being Index(WHO-5)以及 Proactive Coping Inventory(PCI)的三個子量表來測量感知壓力及其對主觀幸福感的影響,然後以多元逐步迴歸分析主動因應在壓力感受和主觀幸福感之間的調節作用。主要研究發現有二。首先,研究結果顯示58.3%的受試者在壓力感受上的得分高於25分,處於高壓力感受狀態 。在主觀幸福感上,有51%的參與者得分低於13分,屬於低幸福感狀態。其次,主動因應對壓力感受和主觀幸福感之間的關係有調節作用(p = 0.006)。預防應對和避免因應則無顯著的調節作用(分別為 p = 0.090 ; p = 0.81)。,研究者建議臺灣社會提供相關資源協助外國居民因應新冠肺炎;尤其可在提升外國居民的主動因應上著力.The COVID-19 pandemic has not only affected physical health but also mental health worldwide. The current study aimed to investigate the effect of proactive coping, preventive coping, and avoidant coping as a moderator between perceived stress and subjective well-being in 259 foreign nationals residing in Taiwan during the pandemic. The research was conducted from November 22, 2020 to December 12, 2020. An online survey was designed to measure perceived stress and its effect on subjective well-being using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) modified for COVID-19 (Pss-10-C), The World Health Organization Five-well-being Index (WHO-5), and three subscales of the Proactive Coping Inventory (PCI). A simple multiple regression was conducted to investigate the moderating effect of coping. The results were that 58.3% of respondents scored high for perceived stress. For subjective well-being 51% of participants scored low. Proactive coping has a moderating effect on the relationship between perceived stress and subjective well-being (p = 0.006). Whereas preventive coping and avoidant coping did not have a significant moderating effect (p =0.090; p =0.81 respectively). In conclusion, the international community living in Taiwan during the COVID-19 pandemic perceived the pandemic as a stressful event that influenced their subjective well-being. Proactive coping was found to be helpful to cope with the perceived stress of the pandemic. The Authors recommend institutions to implement resources for foreign nationals to cope with the situation. Additionally, it is recommended to promote proactive coping as a tool.COVID-19台灣感知壓力主觀幸福感積極應對外國人COVID-19 TaiwanPerceived stressProactive copingSubjective well-beingForeign nationals主動因應在新冠肺炎壓力感受和主觀幸福感上的調節效果~以居住於臺灣的外國人為對象Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on perceived stress and subjective well-being in the international community of Taiwan: Using proactive coping as a moderator學術論文