陳怡靜Chen, Yi-Ching呂俊毅Lu, Chun-Yi2019-09-032020-08-012019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0897710141%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96467行動裝置與網路社群的迅速發展改變了資訊處理模式與工作行為,更促進工作團隊的知識分享活動,鑑於過去關於知識分享行為大都聚焦在態度與意圖之關係,少討論到意圖對行為的影響,以及個人背後的跨層次影響研究,本研究整合社會影響理論、科技接受模式及社會認知理論探討行動化知識分享意圖前置因素,並將個人層次的科技信任及團隊層次的雙元性知識分享納入調節變項,讓理論架構更具完整性,以結構式問卷調查31個公部門工作團隊之377位公務員,研究結果發現社會影響理論與行動化知識分享意圖有正向關係,行動化知識分享意圖與知識分享行為亦有正向關係,個人的科技信任與團隊的雙元性知識分享對行動化知識分享意圖與行為之間關係的強度具有調節作用,本研究最主要貢獻在於將行動知識分享意圖的前置因素整合成三個理論構面,並發現個人知覺科技信任會影響知識分享意圖與行為之間的關係,團隊雙元性知識分享亦會跨層次影響個人的知識分享意圖與行為之間的關係。The rapid development of mobile device and community network has changed the informational processing pattern and team’s work behavior. Due to the past theory of knowledge sharing behavior is lack of discussion the effects of multidimensional technology usage or cross level impact. The study integrates the Social Influence Theory, Technology Accepted Model and Social Cognitive Theory to construct a model about the factors of mobile knowledge sharing intention. The study also proposes perceived personal trust of technology and team ambidexteritious knowledge sharing viewed as important factors to moderate the relationship between mobile knowledge sharing intention and actual behavior. Data collected from 377 public staffs participated in 31 mobile knowledge sharing communities provides support for the proposed model. The results of the study show that the Social Influence Theory has relationship with mobile knowledge sharing intention and knowledge sharing intention will influence knowledge sharing behavior. Another result showed that trust and ambidexteritious knowledge sharing have moderating effects of the relationship between knowledge sharing intention and actual behavior. The contribution of the study is to make the factors of mobile knowledge sharing intention to three constructions of theory and find perceived personal trust and team ambidexteritious knowledge sharing are the important moderated variables for this model.行動裝置知識分享意圖知識分享行為科技信任雙元性知識分享Mobile deviceKnowledge sharing intentionKnowledge sharing behaviorTrustAmbidexteritious knowledge sharing公部門團隊成員行動化知識分享行為之研究-科技信任與雙元性知識分享之調節效果The Study of Mobilization Knowledge Sharing Behavior for Civil Servants-The Moderated Role of Trust and Ambidexterity