國立臺灣師範大學資訊教育研究所邱貴發吳正己Chiou, Guey-FaWu, Cheng-Chih2014-10-302014-10-302006-02-12http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/34660這是三年國際比較研究的第一年預試,目的在於檢測研究概念架構及研究工具的可用性。台灣的預試抽樣了25所國中,樣本學校的校長、系統管理師、數學教師(有教8 年級數學者)、及科學教師(有教8年級科學者)均為問卷調查對象。預試過程中,紙本問卷正體中文化、線上問卷正體中文化、問卷調查軟體中文化、資料校對、與國外連繫等等工作都算順利,但仍有幾個需解決的問題。第一個問題是問卷題目太多,第二個問題是台灣的校長和教師尚不習慣回答線上問卷,第三個問題是學校協調人員不易協調教師參與問卷填寫。於這個期中報告中,我們也對預試樣本所呈現的我國資訊科技融入教學訊息,做了基本的敘述。This is a first-year report for a three-year international comparative study aiming to survey theICT-integrated pedagogical practice in schools where they have eighth graders. The first-yearis a pilot year for verifying the research framework, the research instruments, and researchlogistics. 25 junior high schools in Taiwan were sampled as pilot schools. Their principal,technology coordinators, and their mathematics and science teacher (who have classes ineighth grade) were assigned as the pilot participants. We finished the pilot following the timeschedule set by the IEA SITES 2006 steering committee. We have no difficulty inimplementing the pilot, but some problems appeared. Participants felt that the numbers of thequestionnaire items were too many. Our principals and teachers were not used to the onlinesurvey. And our pilot school coordinators felt that they have not enough power to get thesurvey done smoothly. We will try to solve these problems in the main study. In this report,we also provided some brief analyses for the pilot data. But please do not use that basicanalyses because that analyses are for reference only. Overall, we had a good pilot work. Andwe are prepared to do the main study.資訊科技融入教學國際比較研究資訊教育線上問卷問卷調查School ICT integrationInternational comparative StudyInformation educationOnline questionnaireOnline survey資訊科技在教育應用之國際比較研究:台灣 SITES 2006 (I)