張雪梅姜怡君Chiang I-Chun2019-08-282012-8-12019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698070148%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88645  本研究旨在瞭解臺北地區私立大學大一學生校園經驗、學校認同與續讀意願之現況、差異情形以及校園經驗、學校認同與續讀意願的相關。   為達上述目的,本研究採用調查研究法,並參考文獻自編「校園經驗」、「學校認同」與「續讀意願」量表為研究工具,以臺北地區私立大學大一學生為研究母群體,於101年3月中旬以分層叢集取樣方式,抽取1,620 位樣本,問卷共回收1,286 份,有效問卷1,250 份,有效回收率77.2%。所得資料以SPSS20 for Windows 進行問卷信、效度、描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數及典型相關分析。   本研究結果歸納如下: 一、臺北地區私立大學大一學生校園經驗為中上程度,依高低次序排列為:硬體   設備、學務、學系和教務;學校認同屬中上程度,依高低次序排列為:情感、   行為和認知;續讀意願為良好程度,依高低次序排列為:目標承諾與學校承   諾。 二、不同身分、住宿方式及居住地區之臺北地區私立大學大一學生對校園經驗並   無差異;而女學生的校園經驗比男學生正向、人文學類學生比科技學類學生 好、家庭年收入50-114萬的學生比501萬以上的學生好、申請入學學生校 園經驗比聯合登記分發學生好。 三、不同住宿方式之臺北地區私立大學大一學生學校認同無差異;而女學生比男   學生高、僑外生在行為面向比原住民學生高、人文學類學生的行為面向比科   技學類學生高、家庭年收入50-114萬學生最高、申請入學學生最高、原居   住南部地區的學生在行為面向比住在北部的學生高。 四、不同身分、住宿方式、入學方式及居住地區之臺北地區私立大學大一學生續   讀意願無差異;而女學生在目標承諾高於男學生、人文學類學生目標承諾高   於社會學類學生、家庭年收入50-114萬學生續讀意願最高。 五、臺北地區私立大學大一學生在校園經驗、學校認同與續讀意願有兩組典型相   關達到顯著。   最後,根據本研究之結果,提出對相關單位、私立大學,以及對未來研究的建議,以供參考。  The purposes of this study were to understand the campus experiences, school identity and student retention of private universities freshman in Taipei area, in order to examine the relationship among freshman’s campus experiences, school identity and student retention.   The study used a survey research design. Stratified cluster sampling was used to obtain the desired sample. There are 1,620 freshman have been selected from 10 private universities in Taipei area including Humanities, Social and Technology categories. The data were collected using the self- construct Campus Experiences, School Identity and Student Retention Scale. A total of 1,620 responses were received, and 1,250 were valid. The valid response rate was 77.2%. Reliability, descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, and canonical correlation analyses were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS 20 for Windows. The major findings are listed as followings: 1. Private universities freshman in Taipei area have an intermediate-high level of campus experiences, school identity, and high level of student retention. 2. In terms of campus experiences, private universities freshman in Taipei area who are female, humanities class, having half-million to 1 million and 400 thousands NT dollars family income per year, or who are apply for admission to university, exhibit a higher level of campus experiences than those who are male, technology class, having more the 5 million and 100 thousands NT dollars family income per year or who are registration distribution to university. 3. In terms of school identity, private universities freshman in Taipei area who are female, foreign students, humanities class, having half-million to 1 million and 400 thousands NT dollars family income per year, or who are registration distribution to university, or who lived in southern Taiwan, exhibit a higher level of school identity than those who are male, technology class, having more the 5 million and 100 thousands, NT dollars family income per year, or who are registration distribution to university, or who lived in northern Taiwan. 4. In terms of student retention, private universities freshman in Taipei area who are female, humanities class, or having half-million to 1 million and 400 thousands NT dollars family income per year, exhibit a higher level of student retention than those who are male, social class, or having more the 5 million and 100 thousands NT dollars family income per year. 5. Results of the canonical correlation analyses found that campus experiences, school identity, were significantly correlated with student retention. The private universities freshman in Taipei area have the better campus experiences and school identity, then the higher student retention they have. However, the better student affair services of campus experiences, the higher act level of school identity, and the higher goal commitment of student retention, but the less institutional commitment of student retention.   Based on the results, suggestions for government organizations, private universities in Taipei area, and future researchers were proposed.校園經驗學校認同續讀意願campus experiencesschool identitystudent retention校園經驗、學校認同與續讀意願之關係-以臺北地區私立大學大一學生為例A Correlational Study of Campus Experiences, School Identity and Student Retention of Private Universities Freshman in Taipei Area.