張雪梅王淑嬿2019-08-282009-07-082019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696070182%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88610本研究之目的主要在瞭解我國大學生之工讀狀況、受聘能力情形;並比較不同人口統計變項之我國大學生其工讀狀況之差異情形;不同人口統計變項之我國大學生其受聘能力面向之差異情形;接著進一步探討不同工讀狀況之我國大學生其受聘能力面向之差異情形;最後探究我國大學生人口統計變項、工讀狀況對受聘能力之預測力。本研究採用問卷調查法,其問卷內容主要分為:工讀狀況、受聘能力、個人基本資料三部份。研究樣本是以台北地區八所公私立一般大學及科技大學日間部學生為對象,問卷共發出1,000份,回收957份,有效問卷939份。本研究主要發現如下: 一、大學生工讀狀況:大學期間曾有過校內外工讀經驗的比例高,且大多數從事與本身大學主修領域無關之工讀;不論是學期間或寒暑假都是以校外打工者占多數;以賺取學費生活費、增加社會歷練為主要的工讀動機。 二、大學生自認為本身具備整體的受聘能力,是介於「普通」與「充足」之間的程度;如就受聘能力各面向,依大學生自認為具備之平均得分高低來排序,依次為「軟技能」、「硬技能」、「職涯規劃與信心」。 三、不同性別、學校類型、就讀領域、年級、社團參與程度、家庭社經地位之大學生的工讀狀況有差異。 四、不同學校類型、年級、社團參與程度之大學生在受聘能力「硬技能」、「軟技能」、「職涯規劃與信心」三面向上都有差異。 五、有無工讀經驗、是否與所學相關、不同工讀動機—學習職業技能、不同工讀年資之大學生在受聘能力「硬技能」、「軟技能」、「職涯規劃與信心」三面向上都有差異。 六、以「工讀年資」最能預測整體受聘能力及「硬技能」面向;以「社團參與程度」最能預測受聘能力「軟技能」面向;以「與所學相關」最能預測受聘能力「職涯規劃與信心」面向。 本研究依據研究結論,對學生、學校、政府相關單位,與後續研究提出建議,以作為大學生參與工讀及提升受聘能力之參考。The study aims to understand the part-time jobs and employability of university students in Taiwan by comparing the differences of above-mentioned issues under demographic variables, further discussion of different employability under different part-time jobs, and lastly, the prediction of demographic variables and part-time jobs towards employability, with a questionnaire divided into the situation of part-time jobs, employability and basic personal information. The objects are daytime students from public and/or private universities and/or universities of science and technology in Taipei, while 957 copies of 1,000 copies are returned eventually and 939 copies of which are effective samples. The significant findings are shown as follows: A. The situation of part-time jobs: A high proportion of part-time job experience exists during the studies internally and/or externally and most of students have irrelevant part-time jobs to their majors; however, the majority work externally during semesters and summer/winter vacations. The main motive of these students is to earn tuition and living expenses, to increase the social experiences. B. University students assume that their employability is between “average” and “sufficient”, while the mean score of “soft skills” is the highest of all dimensions and “hard skills” and “career planning and confidence” come in second and third respectively. C. The situation of part-time jobs is influenced by sex, type of university, major, grade, association attendance and family socio-economic status. D. The type of university, grade and association attendance have a noticeable impact on “hard skills”, “soft skills” and “career planning and confidence”. E. The part-time job experience, major-related job, motive – learning vocational skills and year of part-time job have a noticeable impact on “hard skills”, “soft skills” and “career planning and confidence”. F. The “year of part-time job” can particularly predict the overall scale of employability and the dimension of “hard skills”, while “association attendance” can mostly predict “soft skills” and “major-related job” can especially predict “career planning and confidence”. The study hereby proposes based on the results for students, universities and relevant government entities as well as future research for university students’ reference to part-time jobs and employability improvement.大學生工讀受聘能力university studentspart-time jobemployability大學生工讀及其與受聘能力關係研究--以台北地區八所公私立大學為例A Study of Correlation between University Students' Part-Time Jobs and Their Potential Competence of Employability