侯世光Hou, Shih-Kuang楊憲章Yang, Hsien-Chang2019-09-03不公開2019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0898710045%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96470本研究主要的目的為探究國中校長應用溝通行動理論於校園衝突管理之適用性。本研究採用深度訪談法及問卷調查法。訪談法分別訪談全國六大地區之六位國中校長;問卷調查法則以全國72所國中校長為主要調查對象。本研究結論如下: 一、國中校長知覺校園衝突 (一)不同背景的國中校長對於溝通行動及衝突管理的看法並無差異 (二)溝通行動不夠落實是校園衝突的主要原因 (三)藉由溝通行動的介入避免造成衝突的負面影響 (四)藉由溝通行動介入能轉變衝突結果成正面效果 二、溝通行動應用在校園衝突管理可行性 (一)國中校長普遍認同溝通行動對校園衝突管理是有效的 (二)落實溝通行動就是最佳的衝突管理策略 (三)溝通行動就是採取樂於溝通的態度、讓人聽懂的溝通內容、互相尊重的溝通方式及反省自己的意識型態 三、國中校長溝通行動與衝突管理的關係 (一)溝通情境的營造靠校長的領導風格 (二)校長本身的溝通能力需要有效提升 根據研究結論,提出以下建議: 一、給國中校長的建議:「溝通」是校長治校的重點、用輕鬆的心情來處理校園衝突、校長誠意溝通解決校園衝突、校長要維持公平的立場獲得信任感、校長溝通時保持公正友善的態度。 二、給教育行政機關的建議:加強培養校長的衝突管理實戰能力、頒行的教育法令或公文要明確周延可行、研發提供校長的溝通表達的訓練課程。 三、對未來研究的建議:蒐集更多的衝突情境及成功案例分享、主要對象建議以教師為主。The purpose of this study is to explore the applicability of the theory of communicative action on campus conflict management within junior high school principals. Conducting in-depth interview with six principals from six main regions and also questionnaire survey from 72 principals, this study demonstrates the following findings: 1. The campus conflict perception of junior high school principals (1) No differences between principals of different backgrounds on perceiving communicative actions and conflict management. (2) Not fully implementing communicative actions is the main reason for conflicts. (3) Implementing communicative actions to mitigate the negative impact caused by conflicts. (4) Implementing communicative actions to turn conflicts into opportunities driving positive impacts. 2. The feasibility of employing communicative actions on campus (1) Principals generally agree that communicative actions are effective on campus conflict management. (2) Implementing communicative actions is the best conflict management strategy. (3) Communicative actions include the attitude willing to communicate, the contents enabling to understand, the way showing mutual respect and the self-reflection to evaluate one’s own ideology. 3. The relationship between communicative actions and conflict management of principals (1) Communication scenarios are created by principals’leadership styles. (2) Principals’ communicative skills need to be developed effectively. These findings of this study allow the researcher to present the following recommendations: 1. For junior high school principals: “Communication” is the key for principals to implement school management. Keep relaxed and show sincerity to deal with campus conflicts. Secure fairness to build trust. Maintain an open and friendly attitude during communication. 2. For administrative institutions: Train and strengthen principals’ practical ability of conflict management. The regulations and requirements stated in educational acts and official documents need to be precise, thorough and practical. Develop training courses of communication and expression for principals. 3. For future researchers: More conflict scenarios and successful stories can be collected and shared. Teachers can be selected as research subjects.溝通行動溝通行動理論衝突管理國中校長communicative actiontheory of communicative actionconflict managementjunior high school principal國中校長應用溝通行動理論於校園衝突管理之研究Applying Theory of Communicative Action on Campus Conflict Management: The Case of Junior High School Principals