王學玲Wang, Hsueh-ling2016-04-262016-04-262014-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77166順治十二年(1655),入清仕途順達的周亮工(1612-1672)忽遭彈劾,官司審訊多時,始終判以問斬。直到清順治十七年(1660)方戲劇性逆轉,改徙寧古塔,隔年獲赦南還。為時六年的「閩獄案」,周亮工屢次瀕死,身心飽受煎熬,本文集中探討審訊後三年,其在京師度過二次重九日前後寫下的詩篇。第一年重九,獄案仍然纏訟,生還或有可能,此時周亮工的詩作充滿鄉思,渴望還家,同時又憂懼期待落空,歸鄉終如瓶中菊影,殘於枝頭。第二年重九,獄讞幾乎底定,秋後處決,重九日對周亮工而言,不但無法消災、不能久壽,極可能是形軀終止的死亡時刻。然而,在枝枯萎的殘菊形象又鼓舞了周亮工,矻孜寫詩著書,以傳自我之不屈情志。周亮工的顛躓宦途,突顯清初仕清文人的艱困處境。他的極愛運用秋菊意象,說明菊之高潔形象,乃為歷代文人重要的自我隱喻與精神依託。尤有甚之,周亮工以其幾乎問斬的切身遭遇,結合秋菊鄉思、死亡等意涵,與明遺民以菊託喻的情志內涵不盡相同。秋菊是周亮工蒙冤不屈的潔傲象徵,也是形軀或將殞殘的秋決預言。In the 12th year of Shunzi (1665), A Ching official, Chou Liang Gong, was impeached suddenly, and it started the outset of the Min Prison Case for six years. This article probes into his poems which he wrote in the capital—Beijing after the three years of the interrogation. In the first year of Double Ninth Festival, his poems were filled with the yearning of hometown. Simultaneously, he was afraid that his expectation will be all in vain, and the mood of returning home was like chrysanthemums’ shadow in a vase. In the second year of Double Ninth Festival, it’s extremely possible his death time. However, the symbol of incomplete and broken autumn chrysanthemum inspired him to write more poems and books, and it also showed his aspiration and sentiment forever. The unsmooth official career of Zhou Liang Gong revealed the difficulties of the early Ching literati. Zhou used his near death experience and combined the nostalgic and the dead implication of autumn chrysanthemum. Autumn chrysanthemum was not only the virtuous and haughty symbol of his strong will, but also the prediction of near death after autumn.仕清文人周亮工重九秋菊閩獄案Ching Offical LiteratiChou Liang Gongthe Double Ninth FestivalAutumn ChrysanthemumMin Prison秋菊與秋決:清初仕清文人周亮工閩獄詩探析Chrysanthemum and Execution in Autumn:Probing into Min Prison Poetry of the Ching Offical Literati--Chou Liang Gong in the Early Ching Dynasty