國立臺灣師範大學教育學系王麗雲甄曉蘭2014-12-022014-12-022009-06-011999-8856http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39028長久以來,教科書政策爭議不斷。鑑於教科書的重要性與教科書政策的關鍵影響,教科書研究日益受到重視,研究數量也不斷成長,但大部分的研究無論在主題或方法取向上,多以教科書的內容分析為主,少有對教科書政策進行分析者,而以社會學取向對教科書政策進行分析研究者更少。教科書所呈現的合法知識,往往是文化、社會、政治、經濟及教育勢力的角力結果,教科書議題極適合透過社會學的觀點來獲得進一步的理解,因此,本文特別探討社會學分析應用於教科書政策研究的可能途徑與潛在價值。文中首先介紹社會學取向分析的意義與功能,進而解析政策研究的功能與旨趣,並探討教科書政策研究的可能議題,最後,舉例說明教科書政策社會學分析的議題焦點與應用潛力。Textbook policy has been subjected to fierce controversy over the last decade. Due to the importance of textbooks and the immense impact of textbook policy, more and more research attention has been given to textbook controversy. However, most of the existing textbook related studies focus more on content analysis of textbooks. Only a few focus on textbook policy analysis. We rarely find studies on textbook policy analysis from a sociological perspective. Since the legitimized knowledge in textbooks is quite often the result of power struggles among cultural, social, political, economic, and educational forces, it is critical to gain better understanding of textbook controversies through a sociological lens. Therefore, this article attempts to explore possible approaches and embedded values of sociology-oriented textbook policy analysis. In this article the authors will first introduce the meanings and functions of sociological analysis. The authors will then explore the potential themes for textbook policy analysis. Finally, examples of sociology-oriented textbook policy analysis are given to illustrate possible issues for analysis as well as the implications for further studies.教科書政策政策分析社會學分析textbook policypolicy analysissociological analysis社會學取向的教科書政策分析