楊文金林美秀LIN MEI SHIN2019-09-052008-7-252019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593452010%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104581摘要 根據視覺語法的觀點,本研究探討國三學生閱讀「感應起電」示意圖之讀圖理解表現情形,並分析性別與學習成就的效應,與學生讀圖文的習慣和偏好。 研究設計採調查研究和晤談兩部分。根據視覺語法中「敘述性結構」與「概念性結構」的「動作者」、「過程」、「目標」、「屬性」、「載體」等面向發展「感應起電讀圖理解測驗」,其重測信度為0.7,α係數為0.77。並發展「讀圖文習慣問卷」以及「讀圖歷程問卷」。研究對象為台北市某市立國中九年級72位學生,分別施以上述測驗,並以ANOVA等統計進行資料分析。晤談另外分層抽取12位學生參與訪談,以深入瞭解其圖形理解情形。研究發現如下: 一、不同學習成就學生在示意圖的「敘述性結構」與「概念性結構」理解上有顯著差異;差異的主要來源是「敘述性結構」中的「動作者」、「過程」、「目標」等面向,以及「概念性結構」中的「屬性」面向。此外,在「載體」面向方面,性別和學習成就間有顯著交互作用。 二、讀圖歷程方面,大部分學生以閱讀圖片標題為主,整張圖以Z字型方式閱讀;就圖中四部份則是以直線形由下而上方式閱讀,先閱讀文字接著再看圖。 三、在讀圖習慣與偏好方面,學生一致認為圖片具有輔助文字理解的功能,而高學習成就學生,偏好表格與流程圖等圖形表徵,中、低學習成就學生則偏好照片式的圖片,另外低成就學生也喜歡分解圖和掛圖式的圖形。針對不同特質學生給予不同表徵圖形的教學似有必要。 四、晤談結果顯示學生對圖形中的各成分的解讀存有另有概念;對於色彩模態、版面配置學生亦提供其想法。 最後根據上述研究結果對不同學習成就學生讀圖情形提出討論與建議。Ninth Graders' Image Reading Comprehension of Electrostatic Induction Diagrams Abstract Based upon visual grammar, this study aimed at probing the effects of gender and academic performance on pupils’ image reading comprehension of electrostatic induction diagrams, and investigating their image preference and image-text reading habit. A survey design and clinical interview approach were deployed in this study. According to the Narrative Structure and Ideational Structure of visual grammar, the “Test of Electrostatic Induction Diagram Reading Comprehension” was developed, which was composed of five categories of items: understanding of the "Actor", "Process", "Goal", "Attribute" and "Carrier" element of a diagram. The test-retest stability is 0.7, Alpha coefficient is 0.77. Meanwhile, “Questionnaire of Image Reading Preference” and “Questionnaire of Image-Text Reading Habit” were also developed. Seventy-two ninth graders from a school in Taipei city participated in this study, they were administrated the above instruments. Twelve interviewees were sampled randomly and were interviewed to probe their conceptual understanding of electrostatic induction via image reading. Major findings were listed as followed: 1. Different levels of academic performance students understood significantly different on the Narrative and Ideational Structures of the Diagrams. The sources of the difference could be the ‘Actor’, ‘Process’ and ‘Goad’ elements of Narrative Structure, and the ‘Attribute’ element of Ideational structure. In addition, an interaction between gender and academic performance was observed on the ‘Carrier’ element of both structures. 2. The result of study of "reading image process" shows all students tend to read the captions of the images first, and read the contents of the image in a zigzag manner. The four parts of the image are read in a linear manner from top to bottom, with texts read first and then image. 3. All students agreed that images are useful on improving understanding of science text, however, high academic achievers preferred reading tables and flowcharts; middle and low achievers relied more on photos, and low achievers preferred analytic chart and wall charts as well. It seems necessary to deliver science content with different types of visual representation to the learners. 4. The result of the interview reveals that students held variant interpretations about the elements of the diagrams. They even echoed comments on color modality and layout of the diagrams. Lastly, the implications of the findings on science teaching and learning were suggested and further studies were also recommended.視覺語法讀圖理解敘述性結構概念性結構九年級學生閱讀感應起電圖示理解情形之研究Ninth Graders' Image Reading Comprehension of Electrostatic Induction Diagrams