黃松元廖倩誼Liao Chen-Yi2019-08-282011-8-122019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0893050048%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88022本論文旨在探討臺北市國小高年級學童體重控制行為之相關因素,立意選取臺北市七所國民小學九十九學年度五、六年級學童共710名,以結構式問卷收集資料。重要結果如下: 一、研究對象過重與肥胖者佔19.6%;自覺體型以中等者最多。 二、研究對象的體重控制認知、體重控制態度、身體意象與體重控制自我效能多持正向。體重控制行為,僅有「運動」一項得分較高。 三、研究對象的身體質量指數、行動線索、重要他人影響、體重控制態度、身體意象與體重控制自我效能與體重控制行為呈現顯著正相關。 四、研究對象的個人背景因素、體重控制認知、體重控制態度、身體意象與體重控制自我效能可預測國小高年級學童體重控制行為總變異量的33%。 五、身體質量指數、行動線索、重要他人影響、身體意象、體重控制自我效能對體重控制行為的直接效果均達顯著水準。身體質量指數亦可透過身體意象影響體重控制行為,重要他人影響可透過身體意象與體重控制自我效能影響體重控制行為。性別與自覺體型對體重控制行為僅有間接效果。 根據研究結果,提出八點建議。The purpose of this study was to understand the weight control behaviors and the related factors among the 5th and 6th graders in Taipei City. Seven hundred and ten subjects were selected from seven elementary schools in Taipei City. The main results of the study are as follows: 1.Nineteen point six percent of the subjects were over-weight and obesity. The most of ”self-perceived body weight” was middle shape. 2.The weight-control knowledge, weight-control attitude, body image and weight-control self-efficacy for the subjects were positive. The subjects had the highest scores are ”exercise” of the weight-control behavior. 3.The BMI, cues to action, reference groups, weight-control attitude, body image and weight-control self-efficacy had significant positive relationships with the weight-control behavior. 4.The individual factors,weight-control knowledge, weight-control attitude, body image and weight-control self-efficacy predicted 33% of the total varience of the weight-control behavior. 5.The direct effect of BMI, cues to action, reference groups,weight-control attitude, body image and weight-control self-efficacy had significant influence on the weight-control behavior. BMI influenced the weight-control behavior through the body image, and the reference groups influenced the weight-control behavior through body image and weight-control self-efficacy. Sex and self-perceived body weight had indirect effect on the weight-control behavior.國小高年級學童體重控制行為身體意象體重控制自我效能Elementary-grade studentsweight-control behaviorbody imageweight-control self-efficiency臺北市國小高年級學童體重控制行為相關因素之研究Study on Weight Control Behavior and the Related Factors Among the 5th and 6th Graders in Taipei City