張國恩宋曜廷黃楷升2019-08-292006-8-312019-08-292005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692080397%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92893本研究主要目的在根據閱讀歷程中的主要成份,設計出一個具適性化閱讀理解策略學習環境;並探討此適學習環境對國小五年級學童閱讀理解能力、策略運用之影響。研究中的適性式的閱讀理解策略學習環境是根據ASOIM模型為系統架構以及整合式閱讀理解策略輔助系統為基礎,並配合自行發展的閱讀策略表現測驗加以開發設計。本研究以台北縣二重國小五年級學童129名為對象,並以班級為單位隨機分派從事實証研究。 研究結果顯示: 1.本學習系統在國小學童整體性的閱讀策略表現有顯著的幫助。 2.閱讀歷程中的專注、選擇、組織、整合、及監控等成份,可以做為適性化閱讀理解策略學習系統的依據,對於提昇國小學童的閱讀能力和策略運用上也有幫助。 3.適性化閱讀理解策略學習環境與傳統非適性閱讀理解策略學習環境兩者的比較在本研究中並未達到顯著的效果,但可以發現到適性閱讀理解策略學習環境在時間使用的效率上會較傳統的非適性式電腦閱讀理解策略學習環境更加的節省。 4.電腦閱讀理解策略習環境較傳統紙筆式閱讀理解策略學習,對於提升國小學童的閱讀能力和策略運用上有不錯的效果。The purpose of this thesis is to develop a web-based adaptive learning environment for reading comprehensive strategies, and explore the learning impact of the environment on how fifth graders use their reading comprehension abilities and strategic applications. This environment is built based on the ASOIM model, integrated strategies-based reading comprehension system, and the self-developed reading comprehension performance tests. The targeted study group were 129 fifth graders in elementary school. They were randomly assigned to their groups. The findings were as follows: 1) The system has proved to have significant help to elementary students about overall reading comprehension performances. 2) The elements of the reading processes including attention, selecting, organizing, integrating, and monitoring can be the sources for the learning environment. The results of which are helpful for the improvement of elementary students’ reading comprehension and strategic applications. 3) Though the research does not have significant findings on the differences between the adaptive and non-adaptive reading comprehensive strategic system, the research shows that the adaptive method is more time efficient 4) In comparison to the adaptive and the paper-and-pen reading comprehensive strategic training, the former proves to be of significant help to raise elementary students reading comprehension abilities and strategic applications.適性閱讀閱讀理解策略策略運用國小學童網路化適性閱讀理解策略學習環境之建置Implementing a Web-based Adaptive Learning Environment for Reading Comprehensive Strategies