顏妙桂鄭紹可2019-08-282005-8-12019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069207018%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88107本研究旨在探討五大人格特質、休閒阻礙和休閒參與三方面關係,研究範圍以台北市成年人為樣本,研究方法採用問卷調查法,共發出413份問卷,有效問卷共358份。所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t考驗進行統計分析。茲將研究結果說明如下: 一、樣本資料於「人格特質」、「休閒參與」、「休閒阻礙」上發現: (一)休閒參與上之希望參與和實際參與存有落差 (二)「娛樂遊憩性休閒」在希望與實際參與部分皆偏高 (三)「休閒阻礙」以「結構性阻礙」最高 (四)「休閒參與」、「休閒阻礙」男女有別 (五)、「休閒參與」、「休閒阻礙」年齡有別 二、「人格特質」與「休閒參與」之關係上發現: (一)「神經性」特質愈高愈希望參與「娛樂遊憩性休閒」 (二)高「外向性」、「開放性」特質者喜好參與休閒 (三)高「友善性」特質者偏好參與「社交服務性休閒」 (四)高「嚴謹性」特質者需要放鬆一下 三、「人格特質」與「休閒阻礙」之關係上發現: (一)「神經性」特質高者「休閒阻礙」亦高 (二)「外向性」特質高者較無「休閒阻礙」 (三)「開放性」特質高者「參與多,感受多,結構性阻礙多」 四、「休閒阻礙」與「休閒參與」之關係上發現: 「休閒阻礙」與知識藝術性、娛樂遊憩性、閒意放鬆性休閒呈現低顯著相關。 本研究最後依據研究發現與結論提出對政府政策、休閒產業經營、休閒教育、未來研究之建議。The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among personality (Big-Five), leisure constraints and leisure participation. The samples consisted of 413adults in Taipei, 358 of them were valid. The research instruments used in this study included “Personality Questionnaires”, “Leisure Participation Questionnaires” and “Leisure Constraints Questionnaires”. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, t-test. The main findings were as follow: 1. Findings about personality traits, leisure participation and leisure constraints: (1) There was significant difference between leisure anticipation and leisure participation. (2) The adults were the most likely to both anticipate and participate in “Recreation Activity”. (3) The adults were more likely to be constrained by structural factors than by intrapersonal, or interpersonal ones, when they participated in leisure activities. (4) There was significant difference in gender on “leisure participation” and “leisure constraints”. (5) There was significant difference in ages on “leisure participation” and “leisure constraints”. 2. Findings about relationship between personality traits and leisure participation: (1) There was significantly positive correlation between the “Neuroticism” and “Recreation Activity”. (2) The adults with high “Extraversion” and “Openness” tended to participate in all kinds of leisure patterns. (3) The adults with high “Agreeableness” tended to participate in “Service Activity”. (4) The adults with high “Conscientiousness” need to participate in “Relaxation Activity”. 3. Findings about relationship between personality traits and leisure constraints: (1) The adults with high "Neuroticism” were more likely be constrained. (2) The adults with high “Extraversion” were less likely be constrained. (3) The adults with high “Openness” displayed “participate more, sense more and have more structural constraints”. 4. Findings about relationship between leisure constraints and leisure participate: There was low significantly correlation between leisure constraints and “Knowledge Leisure”, “Recreation Activity” and “Relaxation Activity”. Based on the findings above, this study provided some recommendations for the government, leisure agency, school and further study as well.人格五大人格特質休閒阻礙休閒參與PersonalityBig-FiveLeisure constraintsLeisure participation人格特質、休閒參與和休閒阻礙之相關研究—以台北市成年人為例