林保淳Lin, Bao-Zhen盧亮廷Lu, Liang-Ting2020-12-142019-08-202020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060520025L%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110510 民初武術家輩出,武俠小說風行,本文以武俠精神為軸,考察民初武術家,提煉過往在武俠文學或俠義思想上較少觸及的實人實事,先整理內憂外患下,武術成為精神寄託而有了「國術」之名的起因,其強健體魄的內涵,成為國人對抗船堅炮利的寄託,在被「東亞病夫」想像的壓抑當中,成為重要的出口。而有了庚子教訓在前,民初武術家不再以謀求實績為優先取向,而是廣泛運用著述來轉化武術中的練、演、打,將武術提升到精神層次。而通俗小說大興,武俠一門融合「志人」的技擊餘聞與「傳奇」的俠義小說,以此豐富了武術活動的世界,成為溝通真實與虛構的橋樑。從革命思想家到武術家,再到武俠小說,民初武俠精神與「義非俠不立,俠非義不成」的俠義之辨連結,「俠」與「武」彼此互補。俠提供了武施展的正當性,而武給予俠身體的錘鍊,綜合國族身體、感知身體與被閱讀的身體,融以俠的行動精神,共構民初的「武俠精神」。 本論文分為六章,第一章〈緒論〉作為全文框架說明。第二章〈武林世界與武術家群像〉企圖對之後整理武術家與理出武俠概念,做一藍圖與範圍劃定。第三章〈民初武林秘笈:武術家著書的敘事與意涵〉以武術書籍為考察材料,分析其內由敘事方式與傳達而出的敘事意涵。第四章〈小說家與武術家相逢〉側重武俠小說家以武術家來寫武俠,所隱含的觀念分析,以兩個面向作為觀察,企圖理解武術家如何和武俠有著聯繫,同時梳理武俠作家藉武人所顯現的氣節精神、「俠」觀念更重視「武力」的趨向。第五章〈以武俠精神切入的民初意義〉提出武術家以身體實踐武俠,其內自然包含對社會反應的集體潛意識、武術的能動性,以及他們之間彼此構建出的武俠氛圍。第六章〈結論〉,總結民初武術與武俠的豐富樣貌。At the beginning of the Republic of China, the martial arts masters and the martial arts novels were popular. This thesis takes the spirit of martial arts as a core to examine the martial arts in the early Republic of China, and refines the practical facts which were rarely mentioned in the past martial arts literature or chivalrous ideology. In order to solve the internal and external problems of the country, martial arts were became spiritual comfort to martial artist, which causing the name of "National Skills". Also, the connotation of physical fitness has become the comfort of the Chinese people against the strong enemy. It has become an important spirit comfort in the suppression of the "Sick Man of East Asia". However, from learning lessons of Gengzi, the martial artists in the early Republic of China had no longer took the priority of pursuing performance, but extensively transforming the practice and performance into martial arts, and sublimating martial arts to the spiritual level. Since the rise of popular novels, the martial arts integrate the skills of the martial arts and enrich the martial arts fields. From revolutionary thinker to the martial artist, then to the martial arts novels, the relationship was connected between the martial arts spirit of the early Republic of China and the chivalrous. And Chivalrous and martial arts complement each other. Chivalrous provides the legitimacy of martial arts, and martial arts makes the man body temper, both Chivalrous and martial arts integrate the national body, perceive the body and the body of being read, blend the spirit of action of the man, and constructs the "martial spirit" of the early Republic China. This thesis consists of six chapters; the first chapter makes a brief introduction to this thesis. The second chapter discusses the martial artist and martial arts concepts. The third chapter analyses the narrative meaning from martial arts books. The fourth focuses on the concept of martial arts novelists when writing martial arts novels as martial artists. This chapter uses two aspects as observations to understand the connection between martial artists and martial arts novelists. The fifth chapter proposes the idea that martial artists practice martial arts to observe the martial arts atmosphere of sub consciousness of society. The sixth chapter concludes the rich appearance of martial arts novels and martial arts in the early Republic of China.武術家武俠精神武術書籍民初martial artistsmartial arts spiritmartial arts booksearly Republic of China民初武術家與武俠精神Martial Artist and Martial arts Spirit in the Early Republican Period