國立臺灣師範大學社會工作學研究所潘淑滿蔡青墉楊榮宗2014-12-272014-12-272000-03-011028-1940http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42925臺灣都市在短短不到二十年光景,經歷七十年代的經濟起飛、八十年代的經濟繁榮與政治解嚴、到九十年代的經濟轉型與政治多元的社會變遷,不僅改變了都市生態環境與居民的生活形態,同時也影響人與人的關係。本研究為一探索式的社區研究,研究者運用行動研究法,以高雄市前金區之長城社區與三民區之安發社區為研究主體,以社區發展協會為媒介,實地參與社區改造工作過程。在整個研究過程中,研究者以J. Rothman的社區發展為架構,運用社會學的社會互動觀點,結合不同研究方法,協助社區居民建構社區自主之理念,並進一步評估可能影響都市社區發展社區自主之主要影響因素與可行途徑。研究結果發現:在都市社區中堆行社區自主的概念主要受到兩個因素影響:(一) 社區行動策略:由於研究者是以外來身份進入社區,並以現有之社區發展協會為媒介,因此社區自主工作的推展往往受到社區發展協會本身特質之影響;(二) 社區內、外部因素:社區自主的改造工作成效往往也受到社區特質、都市化程度、社區資源、社區組織經營理念、及整個社區所面臨的政治、經濟等生態環境之影響。在都市社區推行社區自主的草根民主理念與實際效果雖不顯著,但研究結果顯並非不可行。本研究僅就實地參與研究過程中之發現提供下列建議,做為未來推展社區改造工作之參考:(一) 揚棄以社區發展協會為媒介的方式,研究者主動出擊;(二) 打破地理區域的侷限,發展以議題為導向的都市社區工作模式;(三) 修訂相關策,結合地方政府配套措施,落實社區營造;(四) 獎勵專家、學者長期投入居民自主的社區改造工作之推展。Over the past two decades, Taiwan has been undergoing transformation from an agrarian society to an industrialized free-market country. This rapid change in political-economy systems has brought a tremendous impact on the living styles, neighborhood relations, and ecology of urban communities. In this study, the researcher applies a triangulation approach integrating survey, interview, participant observation, and social action to facilitate the ideal of total community construction in the neighbor hood communities in Kaohsiung. The results show that the effects of total community construction in this city are influenced by two factors, and suggest that the community action strategy used in this study reflects a non-positive effects. In additional, the effects of total community construction in this city are also influenced by the internal and external resources of the comiriunity such as the degree of urbanization, social-economic resource, ideal of grass-foots organizing, relation of the private-pu blic sectors, and public policy. Although the effects of total community construction in Kaohsiung city are not remarkable, it is not impossible. As a result of this study, the implementation of the ideal of participatory democracy in grass-roots organizing can be improved by four strategies, including: to modify the action approach used in this study, to develop an issue-oriented community work, to revise public policies related to community development, and to encourage more and more experts involving in such researches.都市社區草根民主社區總體營造社區行動策略多元測定Urban communityParticipatory democracyTotal community constructionTriangulation評估「社區總體營造」在現階段推行社區發展工作之成效Evaluating the Effects of Total Community Construction on the Community Development: The Possibility of Implementing Participatory Democracy in the Urban Community都市社區落實草根的可行途徑