郝永崴博士張惠珠2019-08-282010-7-192019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594002205%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89881本研究旨在探討檔案評量在國中實施國文聆聽、說話、閱讀、寫字、寫作能力學習的情形及影響。研究對象為36名台北市國中7年級學生,於2007年9月至2008年4月間,配合該班級的國文課程及自習課實施檔案評量,做一個行動研究。研究期間定期收集學生國文聆聽、說話、閱讀、寫字、寫作的學習檔案作品,並定期在班級教室內呈現學生成果,利用分享機制,進行學生自評,同儕互評,以及親師評量。在此期間,教師利用教學觀察和省思札記來反省、覺知自己的教學活動,另外,研究者利用問卷、訪談、回饋單探討家長與學生對檔案評量之反應與意見,以了解其對檔案評量之接受度與建議。 研究期間發現實施檔案評量有助於引發學生主動學習,訂定學習目標,增進學生國文聆聽、說話、閱讀、寫字、寫作能力。家長皆表示能接受檔案評量之實施,且認為其能增進親、師、生的溝通。然而,檔案評量仍有其問題所在:部分學生的時間配合有限,部分家長和學生在對檔案的認知與親子對學習的看法有落差。 本研究最後對於有意於空白課程實施檔案評量的教師及學校提供了九點建議,並做教學省思,以利日後研究與實施之參考。This research focuses on the portfolio assessment on learning status and impact of implementing listening, conversation, reading, writing and essay writing ability in Chinese Language during junior high school. Research group consists of 36 randomly selected junior high school students in Taipei, during the period between September 2007 and April 2008. The portfolio assessment is conducted by an action research by coordinating with each student’s class syllabus of their Chinese Language and self studying classes. The listening, conversation, reading, writing and essay writing portfolios of these students were collected periodically and results were displayed in the classroom. By using this sharing method, students can obtain evaluations from self, peers and teachers. In this period, the teachers used observation and notes to reflect and conceive on their teaching activities. Also, the researchers used survey, interview, feedback form to inquire the reaction and opinion of parents and students to help understand the acceptance and recommendation of portfolio assessment. Portfolio assessment also helps students in initiating and setting learning goals to raise their Chinese Language listen, conversation, reading, writing, and essay writing skills. Parents also expressed the acceptance of implementing portfolio assessment, and agreed that it increases the communication between them and the teachers and the students, However, it still proposed problems. Student availability is limited and parents and students held different views on portfolio assessment than the teachers. Nine recommendations are provided to the teachers and schools that are interested in portfolio assessment on implementing a free class period. Teaching analysis should also be done to benefit and guide future research and implementation.國文科檔案評量chinese Languageportfolio assessment國中國文科實施檔案評量之行動研究