張家豪Chang, Jia-Hao李宥達Lee, Yu-Ta2020-12-142020-09-142020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060630047A%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111625目的:本研究探討不同等長收縮型式的活化後增能作用,在不同恢復時間 (4分鐘、8分鐘) 對跳躍能力的影響。方法:12名大專盃甲一級籃球員參與實驗,在拉力帶組及槓鈴組等長收縮型式活化後增能作用前、休息4分鐘後及休息8分鐘後,以測力板收集下蹲跳,並分析跳躍高度、最大力量峰值、發力率、最大功率等參數。以Two-way ANOVA檢定時間及組別的差異,顯著水準值為 α = .05。結果:檢定後發現在休息4分鐘和休息8分鐘及不同組別在跳躍高度、最大力量峰值沒有顯著差異,但發力率在時間上達顯著差異 (p< .05),經過事後比較8分鐘後測 > 前測;最大功率在組別中達顯著差異 (p < .05),經過事後比較控制組 > 槓鈴組。結論:以拉力帶組及槓鈴組從事3組3秒最大自主等長收縮恢復時間4分鐘及8分鐘無法有效增進跳躍高度。Purpose: This study investigated the effects of the ability of countermovement jump after different isometric contraction postactivation potentiation by using lifting straps or barbell at different recovery times (4 minutes, 8 minutes). Methods: Twelve college basketball players were recruited. A force platform was used to evaluate the jumping performance and the BioWare was used to analyze the jump height, peak force, rate of force development, and peak power. Two-way ANOVA (Time X Group) was used for statistics and the significant level was set to α = .05. Result: After the intervention, there was no significant difference resulting from different recovery times and groups in terms of jump height and peak force, but the rate of force development was significantly affected by different recovery times (p<.05), with the result produced after 8 minutes of rest better than that of the pre-test. The peak power of the groups also differed significantly (p<.05), with the control group exhibiting a better result than the barbell group. Conclusion: The intervention (3 sets of 3-second maximum isometric contraction and the recovery time of 4 minutes and 8 minutes) could not enhance jump height.地面反作用力下蹲跳拉力帶等長收縮ground reaction forcecountermovement jumplifting strapsisometrics不同器材誘發活化後增能作用對跳躍能力的影響Effect of postactivation potentiation induced by different devices on jump ability