林振春Lin, Jenn-Chuen吳惠珍Wu, Hy-Jane2024-12-172024-06-302024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/96fedcc4d8b3d045801bf58c3c86a473/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122600本研究旨在探討學齡前兒童氣質對依附關係與父母情緒智力之影響相關研究,進而探討兒童氣質、依附關係與父母情緒智力之關聯性。本研究採用「兒童氣質量表」、「依附關係量表」及「情緒智力量表」為研究工具,透過問卷調查法針對幼兒園的家長作為研究對象,經由便利抽樣輔以滾雪球抽樣方式,獲得431位幼兒園家長為有效樣本。將所收集問卷的資料以 SPSS 23.0 統計軟體為分析工具,採用描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元回歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,結果研究發現: 一、兒童氣質構面「外放性」與依附關係構面「安全依附」「安全-逃避型」有顯著相關。 二、兒童氣質構面「努力控制」、「負面情緒」與依附關係構面「安全依附」、「不安全-矛盾型」、「不安全-逃避型」有顯著相關。 三、兒童氣質構面「外放性」、「努力控制」與父母情緒智力構面「自我情緒評估與表達」、「對他人的情緒覺察」、「自我情緒理」、「情緒運用能力」有顯著相關。 四、兒童氣質對依附關係具有預測力。 五、兒童氣質對父母情緒智力具有預測力。 最後依據本研究之結論,分別就照顧者(父母)、家庭教育推廣人員及未來研究者提出建議供之參考。The aim of this study is to explore the impact of preschool children's temperament on attachment relationships and parental emotional intelligence, and further explore the correlation between children's temperament, attachment relationships, and parental emotional intelligence. This study used the Childhood Quality Scale, Attachment Relationship Scale, and Emotional Intelligence Scale as research tools. Through a questionnaire survey method, parents in kindergartens were selected as the research subjects. Convenience sampling combined with snowball sampling wasused to obtain 431 kindergarten parents as valid samples.The collected questionnaire data was analyzed using SPSS 23.0 statistical software, and descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product difference correlation, and multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. The results showed that: 1、There is a significant correlation between the "extraversion" dimension of children's temperament and the "secure attachment" and "secure-avoidant" dimensions of attachment relationships. 2、There is a significant correlation between the"effortful control" and "negative emotions" dimensions of children's temperament and the "secure attachment," "insecure-ambivalent," and "insecure-avoidant" dimensions of attachment relationships. 3、There is a significant correlation between the "extraversion" and "effortful control" dimensions of children's temperament and the "self-emotion appraisal and expression," "emotional awareness of others," "self-regulation of emotion," and "emotion utilization ability" dimensions of parental emotional intelligence. 4、 The temperament of preschool children has predictive power on attachment relationships. 5、 The temperament of preschool children has predictive power on parental emotional intelligence. Finally, based on the conclusions of this study, recommendations are provided for caregivers (parents), family education promoters, and future researchers for reference.學齡前兒童兒童氣質依附關係情緒智力preschool childrenchild temperamentattachment relationshipsemotional intelligence學齡前兒童氣質對依附關係與父母情緒智力之影響The impact of preschool children's temperament on attachment behavior and parents' emotional intelligence學術論文