張俊彥江蕙伶2019-09-052017-8-132019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697450224%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104693本研究旨在探討學生接受「美麗新視界-綠光新生活」跨領域創新課 程後之學習成效,以科普影片融入教學與一般講述式教學活動,探討學生 在創新課程下其作品創意表現有何差異,並分析學生在作品創意之表現。 研究設計採不等組前後測設計,以台北市三所國民中學七年級及八年級之 學生為研究對象(n=236)。研究工具為「威廉斯創造力測驗」及「作品創 意表現評量表」。在蒐集研究資料後,以敘述性統計、相依樣本t 考驗、 共變數分析、多元迴歸等統計方法分析結果。本研究主要研究目的為: (一)探討國中學生創造力之表現。 (二)探討不同教學策略與創造力高低對於學生作品創意表現之差異。 (三)探討學科成就對學生作品創意表現之差異。 (四)探討創造力、自然科成就、藝術科成就對學生作品創意表現之相關。 主要研究結果包括:(一)國中學生創造力認知層面表現上,在年級方 面,八年級在精密力表現優於七年級;情意層面則沒有顯著差異。在性別 方面,認知層面的創造力沒有顯著差異;情意部分在冒險性、好奇性男生 則優於女生。(二) 不論是高創造力或低創造力的學生,在接受「科普影 片融入教學」後,其作品創意表現優於接受「一般講述式教學」為主的學 生。(三)不論自然科成就高低,接受兩組實驗教學後作品創意表現沒有差 異;藝術成就較高的學生接受科普影片教學後作品創意表現達顯著水準; 藝術科成就低的學生,在兩組實驗教學後作品創意表現皆沒有差異。 (四) 學生的背景因素(創造力、自然科成就、藝術科成就)中,可以有意義的解 釋作品創意表現的總變異,且可顯見創造力、自然科成就、藝術科成就與 作品創意表現具有正向的預測力。This study was a cross-field innovative curriculum about the popular science video of “50 Science Achievements” fabricated by National Science Council. The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of different instructional methods on students’ creative performance of the productions. This study adopted nonequivalent pretest-posttest designs; the research object were 236 participants of the 7th and 8th grade students from three junior high schools in Taipei, within which one is the experimental group receiving the popular science video into teaching activities; the other is the comparison group receiving the didactic instruction. Research method of the study was mainly quantitative research. Two quantitative research instruments were used in this study include Williams Creative Assessment and production creative performance scales. Furthermore, the study explored the effect of the students’ creative degrees and the academic achievements in different instructional methods. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical method, t-test, MANCOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, stepwise multi-regress analysis, and the research findings are as following: 1. Different grade of the Test of Divergent Thinking, the 8th grade performed significantly better than the 7th grade on “elaboration”, and different gender was not; and different gender of the Test of Divergent Feeling, the boys performed significantly better than the girls on “risk-taking” and “curiosity”, and different grade was not. 2. The students’ creative performance of the productions of experimental and comparison groups, showed a significantly positive effect when students in different creative degrees. 3. The students’ creative performance of the productions of experimental and comparison groups were not significantly different in scientific achievement; and the creative performance of the productions of experimental group showed a significantly positive effect when the students with high achievement in arts. 4. The creativity and academic achievements had positive predictability toward the students’ creative performance of the productions.科普創造力作品創意表現Popular scienceCreativityCreative performance of the productions國中「美麗新視界-綠光新生活」之創新課程成效初探The Effect of an Innovative Curriculum about the Popular Science Video in Junior High School