陳瓊花吳冠嫻Kuan Hsieh Wu2020-12-102013-08-012020-12-102013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0896600038%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115605本研究為了解美感素養與工作品質、生活品質的相關性,以網路與紙本問卷方式對二十歲以上具有工作之成人進行調查,以變異數分析瞭解不同背景變項下的美感素養、工作品質、生活品質現況,再以積差相關分析探求美感素養、工作品質、生活品質之間的相關情形,並使用逐步多元迴歸分析探求美感素養、工作品質、生活品質對彼此之間的預測力。 研究發現: 一、 美感素養會因為不同的性別、年齡、教育程度而有顯著差異;生活品質與工作品質會因為不同的年齡、教育程度、所處地區而有顯著差異。 二、 美感素養、工作品質、生活品質之間皆呈現顯著正相關。 三、 美感素養與工作品質、生活品質三者之間,美感素養對於生活品質、工作品質的預測力,以及生活品質、工作品質兩者分別對於美感素養的預測力,約近一成,生活品質對工作品質之預測力較高,可達到四成七。 四、 客觀的外在因素差異,無法完全決定個體表現,但心理狀況對個體認知影響很大,會影響對於自身及外在環境的價值判斷與滿意度。故個體心理是影響美感素養、生活品質、工作品質的重要因素。 研究認為,藝術教育是實行美感教育的最佳方式,透過美感素養對於個體心理的正向影響,強化個體面對生活與工作的正向精神,可將心靈積極性轉化為具體的行動積極性。研究建議,學校教育可參考美感素養各面向以檢視課程與教學,提供生活體驗的學習環境;社會單位應主動提供美感學習資訊,並維持社會基本條件的安定;民眾應培養主動接近藝術的習慣,並維持健康的身心發展。This study aimed to understand the correlation between aesthetic literacy, quality of working and quality of life. The researcher used both online and paper questionnaires to collect the data of adults above 20 years old. In order to find out the influence of the different background variables, the correlation between aesthetic literacy, quality of working and quality of life, and the predictive ability of each other, the researcher adopted ANOVA, pearson correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression procedure to analysis the data. The results showed that: 1. People with different gender, age, and education background could have significant different performance in aesthetic literacy. People with different age, education background, and from different areas could have significant different satisfaction in quality of working and quality of life. 2. There was a significant positive correlation between aesthetic literacy, quality of working and quality of life. 3. The aesthetic literacy could predict around 10 % variance of quality of working and quality of life. Both the quality of working and quality of life also could predict around 10% variance of aesthetic literacy. The quality of life could predict 47% variance of the quality of working. 4. The external factors could not represent the outcome. The psychological conditions might affect the personal cognition of individual and the external environment. Therefore, individual psychological could influence the result of aesthetic literacy, quality of working and quality of life. Art education was the best way to develop aesthetic literacy, and to enhance the positive attitude for work and life. According to the dimensions of aesthetic literacy, school should review the curriculum and learning environment. Government should provide more aesthetic education resource and a safe city. Individuals should participate in art activities to maintain his or her physical and mental health.美感素養生活品質工作品質相關性aesthetic literacyquality of workingquality of lifecorrelation美感素養與工作品質、生活品質之相關性研究The correlation among aesthetic literacy, quality of working and quality of life