蕭中強Hsiao, Chung-Chiang謝可珍Hsieh, Ko-Chen2023-12-082023-06-292023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/f2cf461e78e5c38118d43d01576368b6/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121970本篇論文旨在探討傳統時尚媒體在Web 3.0時代面臨的挑戰以及相應的機遇。特別以ELLE雜誌為案例,分析其踏足Web 3.0所需應對的策略和發展方向。論文的目標讀者主要是傳統時尚媒體行業的從業人員、時尚媒體機構的管理層以及對時尚媒體和Web 3.0發展感興趣的學術界和業界專業人士。論文首先分析了時尚媒體行業在Web 3.0時代所面臨的痛點,包括廣告收入下降、讀者行為改變等。隨著Web 3.0技術的發展,傳統時尚媒體需要面對數位化、個性化和社交化等新趨勢,以保持競爭力和吸引讀者。接著,論文探討了時尚媒體在Web 3.0時代的機遇點,特別關注區塊鏈技術的應用和個性化內容推薦。透過區塊鏈技術,時尚媒體可以增加數據的安全性和可信度,同時創造新的商業模式,如去中心化廣告和智能合約。此外,個性化內容推薦可以提供更符合讀者興趣和需求的內容,提升讀者參與度和忠誠度。最後,論文提出了市場發展建議,包括強化數位化轉型、優化讀者互動體驗、加強與精品品牌合作等。透過這些策略,時尚媒體可以在Web 3.0時代實現更好的市場表現和商業價值。總結而言,本論文旨在為傳統時尚媒體提供在Web 3.0時代面臨挑戰和機遇時的策略指南。通過深入分析行業的痛點和機遇,並提出具體的市場發展建議,論文對時尚媒體行業中的業者和管理層提供了寶貴的洞察和建議,使他們能夠更好地應對Web 3.0的挑戰並抓住機遇。對時尚媒體的業者而言,本論文的研究貢獻在於提供了一個全面的分析框架,幫助他們了解Web 3.0時代的市場趨勢和讀者行為變化。論文中提出的策略和建議可以指導業者制定適應性強的營銷策略,包括加強數位化轉型、提升個性化服務、探索新的商業模式等,以在競爭激烈的時尚媒體市場中取得競爭優勢。對時尚媒體的讀者而言,論文的研究貢獻在於提供了更豐富、個性化的內容體驗。通過應用Web 3.0技術,時尚媒體可以提供更精準、與讀者興趣相符的內容推薦,並增加互動和參與度,使讀者能夠更好地參與到時尚媒體的生態系統中。此外,論文還對內部公司和外部產業提供了管理貢獻。對內部公司而言,論文提供了在Web 3.0時代實現數位轉型的策略和方法,有助於提升內部流程效率、增強創新能力和營銷競爭力。對外部產業而言,論文提出的市場發展建議有助於推動時尚媒體與其他產業的合作與共生,促進產業生態系統的發展和協同創新。綜上所述,本論文的研究貢獻主要體現在時尚媒體業者和讀者的益處,並對內部公司和外部產業提供了管理上的啟示。希望本論文能夠為傳統時尚媒體在Web 3.0時代的發展提供有價值的參考和指導。論文的結果將啟發時尚媒體行業中的業者和管理層思考如何有效應對Web 3.0的挑戰,提升品牌的可持續競爭力和市場地位。然而,這份論文也存在一些研究限制。首先,由於時尚媒體行業和Web 3.0都是充滿變化和快速發展的領域,論文中的分析和建議可能受到時間因素的限制。因此,進一步的研究可以跟進行業動態和技術發展,以持續評估策略的適用性和有效性。其次,論文的研究範圍主要集中在時尚媒體的角度,對於其他相關產業的影響和交互作用可能未能深入探討。未來的研究可以擴大研究範圍,考慮時尚媒體與其他行業的合作與整合,以獲得更全面的分析結果。此外,論文還提出了一些未來研究的建議。例如,可以進一步研究時尚媒體在Web 3.0時代的創新商業模式和收益模型,並探索更多基於區塊鏈和智能合約的應用。此外,可以深入研究讀者對於個性化內容和數位互動的需求,並開展更多關於讀者參與和忠誠度的研究。總之,這份論文旨在為傳統時尚媒體行業的業者、管理層和相關利益相關者提供有價值的研究成果和實務建議。同時,論文也指出了研究的限制和未來研究的方向,希望這份論文能為時尚媒體行業在Web 3.0時代的發展提供有益的參考和啟示。This thesis explores the challenges and opportunities faced by traditional fashion media in the era of Web 3.0, with a specific focus on ELLE magazine as a case study. The aim of this research is to provide valuable insights and practical recommendations for ELLE's transition into Web 3.0. The target audience for this thesis includes professionals in the traditional fashion media industry, management teams of fashion media organizations, as well as academics and industry professionals interested in the development of fashion media and Web 3.0. The paper begins by analyzing the pain points that the fashion media industry faces in the Web 3.0 era, including declining advertising revenue and shifting reader behaviors. With the advancement of Web 3.0 technologies, traditional fashion media needs to adapt to new trends such as digitalization, personalization, and socialization to remain competitive and engage readers effectively.Next, the research explores the opportunities for fashion media in the Web 3.0 era, particularly focusing on the applications of blockchain technology and personalized content recommendations. By leveraging blockchain technology, fashion media can enhance data security and trustworthiness while exploring new business models such as decentralized advertising and smart contracts. Additionally, personalized content recommendations can provide readers with tailored and relevant content, thereby increasing reader engagement and loyalty.The paper concludes with market development recommendations, including strengthening digital transformation, optimizing reader interactive experiences, and fostering collaborations with high-end brands. By implementing these strategies, fashion media can achieve better market performance and commercial value in the Web 3.0 era.In summary, this thesis provides a comprehensive analysis framework and practical guidance for the challenges and opportunities faced by traditional fashion media in the Web 3.0 era. The insights and recommendations presented in this paper offer valuable guidance to industry professionals and management teams in the fashion media industry, enabling them to effectively navigate the challenges of Web 3.0 and seize opportunities.However, this thesis has certain limitations. Firstly, due to the ever-changing nature of the fashion media industry and Web 3.0, the analysis and recommendations in this paper may be subject to time constraints. Further research should continue to monitor industry dynamics and technological developments to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the strategies proposed.Secondly, the research scope primarily focuses on the perspective of fashion media, and may not delve deeply into the impacts and interactions with other related industries. Future research could broaden the scope to consider collaborations and integration between fashion media and other industries, to obtain a more comprehensive analysis.Furthermore, the paper suggests areas for future research. For example, further investigation into innovative business models and revenue models for fashion media in the Web 3.0 era, and exploring more applications based on blockchain and smart contracts. Additionally, in-depth research on reader demands for personalized content and digital interactivity, as well as studies on reader engagement and loyalty, would be valuable.In conclusion, this thesis aims to provide valuable research findings and practical recommendations for industry professionals, management teams, and stakeholders in the traditional fashion media industry. The results of this research will inspire industry professionals and management teams to effectively address the challenges of Web 3.0 and enhance their brand's competitive advantage and market position. The paper also acknowledges its limitations and suggests future research directions, aiming to provide valuable insights for the development of the fashion media industry in the Web 3.0 era.Web 3.0時尚媒體AI人工智慧ELLEWeb 3.0fashion mediaAIELLE潛藏於元宇宙之下的傳統時尚媒體:ELLE如何披荊斬棘、進軍WEB 3.0時代?Revolutionizing Traditional Fashion Media: How ELLE Tackles the Challenges and Embarks on the Journey to the WEB 3.0 Eraetd