賴志樫林坤誼Lai, Chih-ChienLin, Kuen-Yi蔡宇聖Tsai, Yu-Sheng2023-12-082023-08-022023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b7b04448d452da42783f58698adbf69a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120511近期因疫情流行的影響下,許多企業陸續採用科技工具媒介作為組織內部溝通與分享知識管道,員工於虛擬社群中進行知識分享行為的議題也被學者廣泛地討論。透過文獻回顧了解,目前國內研究針對虛擬社群大多聚焦在網路社群行銷等領域。然而,使用虛擬社群的過程中,員工知識分享行為展現是否會受到環境與個人內心信念所影響為本研究目的。有鑑於此,本研究從個人與環境的角度進行檢視員工虛擬社群意識、知識分享自我效能及知識分享行為之間的關係,並進一步檢驗知識分享自我效能是否具有中介效果?以知識密集型產業中在組織內部參與虛擬社群且持續與成員進行互動之正職工作者作為受試對象,資料搜集採用問卷調查法,總計回收有效問卷242份進行編碼,經由信效度分析、相關分析及多元迴歸分析等統計分析方法,檢驗虛擬社群意識、知識分享自我效能、知識分享行為間的關聯性,研究結果發現:一、虛擬社群意識對知識分享自我效能具有正向關係;二、虛擬社群意識對知識分享行為具有正向關係;三、知識分享自我效能對知識分享行為具有正向關係;四、知識分享自我效能在虛擬社群意識對知識分享行為之間的關係具部分中介效果。研究結果可提供職場上運用虛擬社群進行知識分享時,虛擬社群意識和知識分享自我效能對員工行為之影響,作為後續研究的重要參考。In recent years, many businesses have adopted technological tools and media as a means of internal communication and knowledge sharing in response to the impact of the pandemic. The topic of individual employees' knowledge sharing within virtual communities has also been extensively discussed by scholars. Through a literature review, researchers have found that current domestic studies on virtual communities mainly focus on areas such as online community marketing, with limited exploration of collaboration and knowledge sharing among organizational members on internal social media platforms. In light of this, this study aims to investigate the relationship between employees' sense of virtual community,knowledge-sharing self-efficacy, and knowledge-sharing behavior. Furthermore, it seeks to examine whether knowledge-sharing self-efficacy acts as a mediator. The study intends to examine this from the perspectives of individuals and their environment, focusing on full-time employees in knowledge-intensive industries who actively participate in and interact with members of virtual communities within their organizations. The data collection will be conducted through a questionnaire survey. Statistical analysis like reliability and validity analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were utilized to analyze a total of 242 valid questionnaires. Findings from this research: (1) sense of virtual community has a positive relationship with knowledge-sharing self-efficacy; (2) sense of virtual community has a positive relationship with knowledge-sharing behavior; (3) knowledge-sharing self-efficacy has a positive relationship with knowledge-sharing behavior; (4) knowledge-sharing self-efficacy partially mediates the relationship between sense of virtual community and knowledge-sharing behavior. The results of this study contribute to our understanding of the influence of a sense of virtual community and knowledge-sharing self-efficacy on employee behavior in the context of knowledge-sharing within virtual communities in the workplace, providing valuable insights for future study.知識分享虛擬社群意識自我效能知識分享行為knowledge sharingsense of virtual communityknowledge sharing self-efficacy虛擬社群意識與知識分享行為關係:以知識分享自我效能為中介變項The Relationship between Sense of Virtual Community and Knowledge Sharing Behavior: Knowledge Sharing Self-efficacy as Mediating Variableetd